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Live Simply in December: Ease

Creating more ease in people's lives is at the core of my life's work. I know firsthand the ways challenges great and small are responsible...
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Live Simply In November: Intention

  In the karmic equation that rules our lives, intention is the cause that ultimately creates an effect. When we consciously set an intention, we...
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Live Simply In October: Satisfaction

In life, there are the tasks we want to do and the ones we know we need to do. Most unfortunately, these two things often...
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Live Simply In September: Impeccability

  We learn as we mature that life is a balance of getting what we want and giving others what they want. Being willing to...
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Live Simply In August: Play

For years, I sported what could only ever have been referred to as an ugly, dumb, digital, sport-style watch. To others, it must appeared in...
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Live Simply In July: Magnetism

You know those people who seem to be winning at life? They're successful in business, they have flourishing family lives, and they radiate positive energy....
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Live Simply in June: Generosity

When raising money for various causes, people are wont to imploringly remind us, "If you can't give with your money, give with your (fill in...
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Live Simply In May: Decisiveness

There are no wrong decisions. I'll say that again: there are no wrong decisions. You cannot choose wrongly, because either way, you benefit. If you...
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Live Simply In April: Expansion

It's easy to stay small. It's comfortable to keep being the person you've known yourself to be, with the characteristics those around you have always...
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