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Monthly Mantra: September 2020

What I remember most about going over to my cousins' house when I was young was how noisy it was. How the honking shrieks of...
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Monthly Mantra: August 2020

Leisure is not innate to American society. We don’t build rest into our daily schedules. We are not in the habit of lingering around the...
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Monthly Mantra: July 2020

Forget success. Forget status. Do not aim to ascend the corporate ladder with greater speed than those before you. Do not try to attain "enoughness."...
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Monthly Mantra: June 2020

  The worst car accident I've ever been involved in happened two years ago, one hundred feet from my front door. It was a slick,...
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Live Simply 2020: May Mantra

My sister and I, both diametrically opposed to being stopped, tried once to come up with an acronym for the phrase at which we worship:...
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Live Simply 2020: April Mantra

There is never a perfect moment. The world is never without strife. The universe is never devoid of suffering. Lately, it's felt as if there...
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Live Simply 2020: March Mantra

  It is so easy to stop. It’s easy to give up and give into the desire to be lazy. It’s infuriating, really, how easily...
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Live Simply 2020: February Mantra

  In almost every couple Live Simply has worked with, there is one person who tends to be more inclined to organization, and one who...
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Live Simply 2020: January Mantra

  It doesn't matter what goals or resolutions you set, dreams you launch, ideas you create, or relationships you make; it is inevitable that at...
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