Your Rising Sign
It feels cliche to talk about rising. The image of the phoenix is played out. We get it. We fall and (hopefully) we get...
RESET What Matters
A woman named Lolita stood over me, saying a prayer to the spirits of the North, East, West, and South. She made shushing sounds, and...
Enough To Elicit Contentment
“I just had to send you a message,” a client we’ll call Marla wrote to me. “Normally this time of year I’d be feening...
Recognizing Progress Is Making It
We live in a highly produced culture. We’re bombarded with shabby befores snapping to swoonworthy afters. The upgrades are instantaneous, only adding to their...
Trying Grace On For Size
October was my mom’s birthday month, and if there was one quality (aside from joy) that she possessed in spades, it was grace. She...
What Will You Renew?
August, with its straw hat and freckles, has taken its final bow for the year. In its stead enters September, which, with its return...
The Case For Laughter
Growing up, my family took my mom’s cue (who was able to find humor in her wretched MS) and laughed about everything. Mundane acts...
For Better Results, Finesse
When we talk with clients about making small changes that have significant impact, we often use the word “finesse” to describe the process that’s needed....
If You Have THIS You’re Luckier Than You May Think
From the earliest age I can recall, I have been aware that health and the energy it affords aren’t guaranteed. That’s the blessing/curse of...