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For Better Results, Finesse

When we talk with clients about making small changes that have significant impact, we often use the word “finesse” to describe the process that’s needed....
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If You Have THIS You’re Luckier Than You May Think

Growing up, my family’s norm was the unpredictability of chronic illness. The question of whether my mom would have a “good MS day,” (denoted by...
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Whose Power Is It, Anyway?

True power is not, as is so often thought, dictatorial, oppressive, or corrupting. Power is the force of our authenticity, the knowledge that we are...
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The Opportunity Of The Moment

  Each of us has the choice to view life as a series of opportunities, or as a random string of good or bad events....
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Note To Self: Take More Initiative!

  Even more invaluable than a truly helpful person is one who doesn’t wait to be asked for the help they provide, but who takes...
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Your Permission To Have Ambition

  One of my favorite exchanges I’ve had in recent months was with my client’s teenage daughter. She’s a talented cheer athlete, and competes nationally...
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Gratitude Is The Starting Point

  Most people end the year with notes of thanks. I’m ringing in the new year by suggesting we all orient our focus on gratitude....
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How Will You Carry On?

  Daily frustrations, careless mistakes, unforeseen, unnavoidable crises, and even intentional, premeditated evils–these are all part of the human experience. There is no way to...
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Harness The Power Of Rituals

    Whether or not you realize it or would like to admit it, if you’re an independent adult, your daily life is your design....
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