Harness The Power Of Rituals
Whether or not you realize it or would like to admit it, if you’re an independent adult, your daily life is your design.
The privilege of getting to divvy up a chunk of 24 hours into segments as you see fit is not one to be overlooked. If you’re like most of us, you feel compelled to do a few basic activities like eat, sleep, bathe, work, and move. But the way that you show up for these, and the smaller behaviors that surround them, dictates how empowered you feel.
The version of daily life wherein you’re merely going through the motions, telling yourself you “have” to do various tasks, and resenting the need to repeat the prior day’s behaviors may satisfy the requirement of “getting it done.” But getting it done and enjoying your days are fundamentally different.
The way to avoid burnout is to bring a sense of artistry to your daily rhythm. Consider the elements that you incorporate into it carefully. Habituate behaviors that feel good. Claim time in your schedule to attend to essential activities.
Then–and this is key–stop rushing around and staring at your screen long enough to actually be present to, and feel gratitude for, the routines and rituals in your life.
Seemingly Simple acts like preparing a meal, making a cup of coffee, washing your face, greeting your family members, moving your body, or driving to work can be elevated into meditations that provide fulfillment and joy when you select the details intentionally.
Your morning beverage (in your ideal mug) can remind you how fortunate you are to drink it. Practicing your preferred form of exercise can help you cultivate gratitude for your ability to move your body at your whim. Even your evening commute, when combined with your favorite podcast or playlist or phone call can become a moment of zen, connection, or inspiration.
The more intentional you are about designing your rituals, the more they become catalysts for being present as your days unfold.
These days–banal as they may appear at first blush–comprise your whole, miraculous life.
Getting to spend another one here on earth is reason enough to celebrate. Relish every tiny ceremony.
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