Paperwork & Photo Scanners Make Keeping Hard Copies A Thing Of The Past
In the last couple of years, there's been a marked shift among my clients in regards to the keeping of hard copies. They don't want...
9 Ways To Keep Incoming Work & School Papers Organized
There are pros and cons to everything, children included. Pros: they're filled with wonder for the world as whole, they make absurd and often hilarious...
9 Paper Planners, Perfect For To-Do Lists & Goal-Setting
After a lifetime of using strictly paper calendars, this year I made the momentous decision to leave behind all I've ever known and venture into...
11 Stylish Filing Cabinets
The time has come the walrus said, to talk of many things... In other words: welcome to the third edition of filing cabinets that won't...
4 Guiding Questions To Help You Get Control Of A Crazy Gift Card Collection
A couple of years ago, I wrote a post all about conquering gift card clutter. And upon reviewing said post I was all, "This is...
We Need To Talk About Your Receipt Stash…
Recently, I helped one of my clients to wade through at least five year's worth of receipts. I always help sort through receipts when tackling...
14 Uber Stylish Filing Cabinets To Get You Excited To File (Or, You Know, Make You Dread The Task Less)
I recently received a request to help track down attractive filing cabinets, which I was all too happy to oblige. After all, no one enjoys...
6 Clever Ways To Solve (All Too) Common Workplace Woes
1. The problem: limited desk space meets giant monitor. The solution: A monitor stand that earns its keep. This sleek stand not only frees up...
Here’s How To Share An Office Space Without Wanting To Kill Your Office Mate
Undoubtedly, one of the most precarious iterations of space-sharing is that of a shared workspace. This makes sense, given that each person has a unique...