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For Better Results, Finesse

When we talk with clients about making small changes that have significant impact, we often use the word “finesse” to describe the process that’s needed. Maybe that’s because we eventually bore of saying “optimize,” “improve,” and the colloquial “zhush.” It’s as much because the concept of finessing is apt. In my mind, finessing is the art of injecting style, refinement, and sophistication into the mundane or the complex. But, rather than achieving these ends through ...

If You Have THIS You’re Luckier Than You May Think

Growing up, my family’s norm was the unpredictability of chronic illness. The question of whether my mom would have a “good MS day,” (denoted by having enough energy to be showered and dressed, participate in conversation, and feed herself), or a “bad MS day,” (see: the opposite) lingered in the air each night. This made making plans more than challenging, and it made me, from the earliest age I can recall, aware that health and ...

Whose Power Is It, Anyway?

True power is not, as is so often thought, dictatorial, oppressive, or corrupting. Power is the force of our authenticity, the knowledge that we are worthy of being here, and the confidence that relying on our intuition provides. Being in our power, counterintuitively, is what allows us to relax. From this stance, we know when to hold firm and when to be flexible. We hold the line between compromise with others and self-sacrifice. We communicate ...

The Opportunity Of The Moment

  Each of us has the choice to view life as a series of opportunities, or as a random string of good or bad events. When we choose to view life as an exercise in opportunity, we live with the awareness that every moment is a teacher. Every circumstance is unfolding for the potential betterment of all involved. Every encounter, every stumbling block, and even every failure is an open invitation from the universe to ...

Note To Self: Take More Initiative!

  Even more invaluable than a truly helpful person is one who doesn’t wait to be asked for the help they provide, but who takes initiative.  Initiative is where genuine care, proactivity, and confidence meet. The person who takes initiative possesses a desire to contribute their skillset and ease the load of others to a level which supersedes what is merely expected of them. It isn’t just that they recognize where help is needed (lots ...


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