Unburdened, We Heal
When we experience emotionally traumatic events, it’s tempting to dwell on our pain. Allowing ourselves the opportunity to process what we’ve lived through can be essential. “Did that really all happen?” We may want to ask ourselves. “Did it really happen the way I remember it did? Was it really as bad as I remember it being? What did it teach me?”
The rehashing is necessary for clarity…until it isn’t. There comes a time when we have to decide whether to continue lingering on what was (and keep experiencing the pain we once felt), or embrace what uplifts us now.
The path to healing begins with emotional resolution of the past–life unfolded in precisely the manner in which it did. It cannot be altered, and we release the need or desire to change it. This is what it means to forgive, and forgiveness–this feeling of resolution–is what allows us to release our hold on the trauma we carry. Unburdened, we allow ourselves to heal.
Healing is our body and mind’s natural process. Our internal organs are constantly able to regenerate. Our brains are not fixed, static entities, but designed to continually form new neural pathways as we rewire them intentionally.
These innate processes are supported or hindered by our daily choices. What we focus on, the behaviors we nurture, the space we create, and the energy we give and receive all directly impact our ability to arrive at emotional resolution and stimulate healing.
This month, prioritize unburdening yourself of old traumas.
Integrate daily practices that enable emotional, spiritual and physical regeneration. Move your body. Take deep breaths. Practice gratitude. Bliss out while daydreaming some glorious vision you have for yourself.
Begin to see yourself as a perfect being, free to choose your thoughts and feelings from an infinite number of thoughts and feelings in the universe. Resolve to release your pain and, in its place, embrace the regenerative process. Healing is your birthright.
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Annie, this hits home so much, especially now for me. It’s like you always have the wisdom I need when I need it. Bless you, love!
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Annie, this hits home so much, especially now for me. It’s like you always have the wisdom I need when I need it. Bless you, love!
So glad this found you at the right time. Happy healing! xox