The LS Guide To Organizing Magazine Clippings
Despite the ever-burgeoning prominence of virtual cataloging platforms (do I really need to name names-Pinterest), many still appreciate real live magazines in all their glossy-paged...
The In-Box: Methods for Corralling the Mail
Even in our highly advanced technological world, the mail continues to arrive at our doorsteps. After all, neither rain, nor snow, nor dark of night will stop...
Writing the Wrongs: De-Cluttering Pens & Pencils
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post entitled "Too Much of a Good Thing: Supply Smackdown Edition." It's about the incredibly common tendency...
Pinned Down: Don’t Let Your Boards Become Catch-alls For Clutter
I guess I should just go ahead and say it: Pin boards, bulletin boards, inspiration boards, whatever you want to call them, they make me...
The Office Stylist Lives Simply
A couple of weeks ago, the lovely people from Sorting With Style/ The Office Stylist reached out to me with an exciting invitation that went something...
A How To Guide for Handling Owner’s Manuals & Warranties
Today's topic is not quite sexy, but it is something that people who buy things have to deal with. So, like, all of us. Honestly,...
Please Enter Your Login Information: Organizing Computer Passwords
"Okay, so I know the username for this account is Sugarkittens, but the password...did I make it jinglebells? Or jinglebells321? Or JingleBells123? Or"-- before you...
Organizing Your Library: Make Your Books Love You Back
Readers will understand two things: you commonly form emotional attachments to the books you have read, and you may believe that to own a book,...