12 Beautiful Fruit Bowls
The whole point of this Live Simply business is to ask, “Why?” about items which previously have held a place in people’s lives, “just ’cause.”
This is as true for furniture as it is for dental floss, and as true for flower vases as for fruit bowls. The latter of those examples is one which, in my experience, rarely gets rethought.
At some point in time (marriage?) a fruit bowl is procured, placed atop the counter, and there it stays. Certainly on some level a bowl is a bowl is a bowl. Only, that level doesn’t really exist around here. Because here, we care about whether or not that fruit bowl still delights you. It may still be functionally sound, but if it isn’t in line with your taste from a stylistic standpoint today, it’s got to be replaced. After all, you’ve got to stare at that bowl a whole lot.
2. Krenit bowl
3. Fruit bowl with double banana hook
4. Mint bowl
9. Lotus bowl
10. Hand fruit bowl
11. Star fruit bowl
12. Iron fruit bowl
[Upon penning (keying) this post, I turned to City and asked, “Is this the dumbest thing I’ve ever written about??” He promptly assured me, “No, certainly not. You’ve written about much, much dumber things.”]
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Honesty from the heart..Good stuff Lol! Just today I switched out my fruit bowl, like I do all the time, like my furniture and rooms and we’ll, you get the idea. . Your not the only one staring at stuff like this thinking how truly it does make a difference, but then it’s just a bowl right? Ahem..
THANK YOU SARAH!!! I know by now you GET it. 😉
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Honesty from the heart..Good stuff Lol! Just today I switched out my fruit bowl, like I do all the time, like my furniture and rooms and we’ll, you get the idea. . Your not the only one staring at stuff like this thinking how truly it does make a difference, but then it’s just a bowl right? Ahem..
THANK YOU SARAH!!! I know by now you GET it. 😉