For Clarity & Contentment, Uncover The “Why”

June 1, 2023

My work is designed to help clients hone their ability to access purpose. At the core, what I ask them about their possessions is, “Why is this present in your life?”


Plenty of them own a plethora of pretty things. Most of them can easily invent utility for objects. My goal is for them to understand that ideally, an object worth owning both has visual appeal and/or is emotionally evocative, and has practical application. It both delights their senses and enables their routine. Exciting and applicable. Pretty and practical.


When significance and utility combine, there is purpose. And with purpose comes value, contribution, contentment and gratitude.


The same rules of purpose apply to our lives.

If we’re merely going through the motions of life without feeling as though we’re being useful, we become adrift. We need to combine our talents, skills, beauty, and interest with contribution. We need to ask and answer the question, “Why am I here?”

Purpose is not reserved for the fortunate few who are brave enough to blaze an uncharted trail. A sense of purpose can be achieved regardless of who you are and what you’re doing, so long as you regard your life as the way you’re of service to the whole world.

Whether you’re cleaning toilets, changing diapers, or trading stocks, when you work from a sense of purpose, you stay connected to why it matters that you show up wholeheartedly, carry yourself with excellence, and act in the interest of love. You keep at the forefront of your mind that you are not here merely to collect a paycheck, check off a life milestone, scroll your phone endlessly in the dark, or to stress and suffer. You are here for an important reason. Your unique contribution supports the larger goals of the universe–to increase awareness and equality, elevate consciousness, and spread love.

This month, focus on purpose. Examine the “why” behind the material objects in your environment. Look for ways to bring a greater sense of purpose to your life by viewing how you spend your days not as a job or a hobby, but as a calling. Do not discount how your authenticity may be your unique form of service.


  1. Donna on June 2, 2023 at 6:37 pm

    This blog post showed up in my inbox at just the right time! Right as I have been undergoing a MASSIVE home purge, while redefining what the purpose of my life looks like at this stage of life. Form follows function! I do not feel that my overarching purpose has changed, but the WAY that it looks at this stage of my life is different and I need to identify that “new” form. It definitely looks like LESS stuff, that’s for sure!

    • Annie on June 9, 2023 at 11:16 pm

      I love this. Form follows function, indeed. xoxo

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  1. Donna on June 2, 2023 at 6:37 pm

    This blog post showed up in my inbox at just the right time! Right as I have been undergoing a MASSIVE home purge, while redefining what the purpose of my life looks like at this stage of life. Form follows function! I do not feel that my overarching purpose has changed, but the WAY that it looks at this stage of my life is different and I need to identify that “new” form. It definitely looks like LESS stuff, that’s for sure!

    • Annie on June 9, 2023 at 11:16 pm

      I love this. Form follows function, indeed. xoxo

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