Seattle Lives Simply!
I'm thrilled to announce that Live Simply is now serving the Seattle area, as well as extensive projects in Vancouver and Portland. If you're a...
Independence Day, 2012.
Happy fourth of July fireworks! Today I'm off celebrating this glorious day- and a wedding to boot- with my family. Hoping you're off doing some...
The Request Lines Are Open!
Happy weekend mojitos! I hope you're enjoying your precious days of freedom. This little post is simply meant to serve as an invitation-- Sometimes I...
Drawerdecor Giveaway Winner!
Happy weekend jelly beans! Today's post is just a quickie to announce the winner of the drawerdecor giveaway. And without further ado, that lucky person...
This Is Just To Say…
Happy Mother's Day to all the mama's out there! Image credit unknown
See Jane Work Giveaway Winners!
Congratulations to the two lucky winners who've scooped up a See Jane Work Jonathan Adler iPad case! # 15, Miss Kellie Rose Wilson, and lucky...
Check These Out Without A Doubt
Happy weekend troops! Now that you've made it here, you deserve to be rewarded. Look no further than the five links shared below: 1. Absolutely...
Peruse If You Choose
Happy Saturday muffins! Hope your weekend is off to a swell start. If you should find yourself desiring some material to peruse on your off days,...
Yo People
It's my birthday! So I'm taking the day off from blogging, I hope you'll understand. But don't fret my little daffodils, I shall return. And...