The End Of Blogging?
I’ve been having so many thoughts about this whole blogging thing I do as of late.
Some say blogs are dying out, as the conversation shifts to social media, and people’s attention spans wane further and further and further, making copy longer than a dozen lines overwhelming to the eye.
The numbers look the same, but still, it begins to feel like maybe you’re typing into a vacuum. (You are.) (I am.) The comment sections of even the biggest bloggers are scarcely populated; they’re treasured around here as they never have been before.
This week, one of my very favorite bloggers of all time up and quit the gig.
That really bummed me out.
“Blogs are almost dead,” two of my biz ladyfriends agree to each other, and I can’t decide whether they’re right, or whether they’re justifying their lack of blogging–something they really never wanted to do, but felt they should. Felt they had to.
I’ve begun to have a nagging wondering about whether I’m engaging in a dying art. Whether it’s all doomed, and every next post is somehow another step closer to the end.
I’ve had moments of wanting to ask you all, “Do you even care anymore? Should we just call it on this? Are you sick of hearing me ramble on and on and make up words and tell you what to do? It’s okay, you can tell me.”
I mean, why do it anyway?
I made this really great friend at a summer program the summer after my something-year of high school, and though we remained close for a while afterwards, it has now been years since we’ve seen other, let alone spoken, let alone exchanged emojis.
For the past three weeks, I kept thinking of her, wondering how she was doing, and what her life was all about now. I even searched every combination of her name I could think of on instagram to no avail.
We have no mutual friends, we don’t follow each other on any social media platforms; she was, as far as I could tell, lost for the time being.
Yesterday morning, a message popped up on my phone, and somehow, before I even looked at it, I had this feeling it might be her. I swear I knew. And it was her, of course. answering my telepathic call, my page over the universe.
Yesterday night, we typed back and forth to each other with the giddiness of the high school girls we were when we met. We sent each other pictures of our jubilant faces.
“I feel like we’ve re-kindled an old love!” I typed.
At which time she was sending, “This feels like long, lost family action!”
It was fate and the stars and cosmical alignment and all the feelings.
Earlier in the week, I saw a poster which featured the phrase, “REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED.”
Yesterday, I re-connected with an old friend.
And somehow, in a way I can’t quite explain, the two things are linked for me.
Or, maybe they’re just the thoughts currently circling my brain, which is, after all, pretty much what a blog is.
I started this blog so many years ago because I wanted to. Because I wanted to connect with others who shared my obsession with beautiful spaces, and because I wanted to reach the people who perhaps needed to hear the words I had to share. And after all this time, the thing that’s kept me at it isn’t money, since I decided long ago that I would rather work doubly hard for my clients than put the pressure on this space to pay my bills. The reason I started and the reason I continue is love and need and purpose.
There are things you do in life that you aren’t even sure why, only you feel compelled to. You feel like it’s right for you and the world, and you just keep at it because it makes you happy and you have to do it.
There are messages you put out into the world, written or spoken, or just thought, that aren’t immediately returned. But you just go with them, because you can’t help but to. And maybe along the way there are moments of doubt, “Can you hear me out there?”
And then a message pops up from the very person you’ve been mentally messaging and somehow it all becomes clear: follow what feels good. Keep at the happy. Have faith in timing and forces so much bigger than yourself. You are being watched out for. Your voice is being heard. It’s all on its way.
And now after that nonsense that you likely scrolled right past, here’s a gorgeous bit from Fox Force Five Construction photographed by Peter Dressel.
Please excuse me while I go truly and sincerely LOCK IT UP.
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I have never once commented on your blog but have read it daily for three years. Often, your blogs need no comment! They’re all “look how awesome!” And “you know you want to get your life together,” which is often exactly the kick in the pants your readers need to get up and take action. Your writing style is hysterical and I think the reason I enjoy it so much is because it’s clear YOU enjoy it so much. Like the person who cracks jokes for their own benefit, and is clearly having a good time. If it brings you joy, keep doing it. It certainly brings me joy to read!
Oh man, thank you so much for this comment, Laura!! Totally get where you’re coming from about feeling as though no comment as needed.
I am SO happy to hear that the joy I funnel into this space is coming through on the other end. THANK YOU for being such a loyal reader for so long! xxx
I hear you. I adore you and your blog. (And ditto Laura’s comments, although I have sometimes commented and also longed for some interesting dialogue to commence in the comment boxes.).
I adore YOU! Thank you for this and every one of your comments. And yes, my real desire for more conversation is so that readers can benefit from and support each other! Share resources, etc. I’ve heard that embedding chat forums into website is notoriously difficult, but maybe that’s a farce and maybe I could look into that? Maybe. We’ll mull. 😉
And your blog is like getting a little piece of you in my mailbox everyday, so I’m obviously all in favor of it
I rarely comment either but yours is my absolute favourite blog. It was also the very first blog I followed. There is something about subscribing to a blog that we take a few minutes to read rather than a a link on Facebook or instagram that I love. It feels like a special treat.
This comment feels like a special treat. For REAL. I am savoring them and saving them up. Thank you for reading and please know you can always chime in!! xoxoxo
Annie – you’re blog is my daily hit of sunshine. Please continue to wow your readers!
Cheers from Ontario Canada
SUE!! SO many big hugs to you!!! I can’t possibly stop knowing it’s a bit of sunshine!! Thank you for this sweet comment. xx
Whaaaat??? You can.not quit!! I, also, read your blog religiously yet have never commented… You are SO real! You were introduced to me by Alex Phillips over a year ago. Every morning I look forward to your humor and insight. If you stop blogging we’ll have to meet for coffee at least once a week because I so love having you in my life! Seriously, how can we stay in touch? You need to at least come beautify my space! I hope and pray you continue with your labor of love. It is read and appreciated!
Oh Lisa, you are THE BEST, that much is clear from this comment, alone. THANK YOU for these ridiculously kind words. Oh hey, I’m way in on the friend bit. Let’s drink all the coffee! Let’s AT LEAST have me come beautify your space! 😉 xoxooxooxo
You are the cheerleader that we all need from time to time. I found you about a year ago because I needed to kickstart some change in my life and you were one of the few that didn’t make me feel guilty or scolded. Your Monday Meditations are a highlight of my week. I appreciate how genuine and accessible you make yourself. You have a gift for writing and I agree with the posts above, if it brings you joy, please continue! We’re out here reading along. And if you want to resume the weekend challenges, I’m even happier. So on all fronts, you encourage, instruct and inspire and if you were to decide to stop, the Internet and the world would be a less productive place. Thanks for all that you do!
THANK YOU Patty!!!! You cannot know how much your words mean to me–that you feel like this is a place you can come for motivation sans guilt or shaming–that is EVERYTHING I am after!
Lasting positive change comes from good energy, from loving support, after all. Not from judgment or the disconnectedness of a seemingly unattainable, un-replicable example.
THANK you for mentioning the Meditations, as well as the assignments–those specifics are HUGELY helpful for me.
Patty let’s hug virtually right now, okay?? Ready?! —
[hug!] 🙂
Thank you for being such a wonderful blogger.
Thank you for reading and for this sweet comment!!
I read your blog weekly if not daily & it is one of my favorites! I love your product round ups & the designers you share!! You’re hilarious & make blog posts about organization entertaining and fun. I also love when you show us before & afters of your work or introduce us to other Seattle area bloggers, designers, etc… Thank you!!!
What’s up name buddy–thank you SO much for this comment. I so appreciate you mentioning those specifics, since, after all, I want this to be helpful and interesting to YOU! And oh MAN, if I do manage to make organizing topics entertaining and fun…well, mission accomplished.
Please don’t quit. I really love your blog and the regularity of it. I actually quite like NOT having a discourse with some of the people that I follow. Blogging seems a lot more considered and private than it used to in some ways (probably because instagram etc reveals so much more about people’s lives…well the bit the want us to see anyway!). Love what you have to say. Love the way you say it. Love your writing and sense of humour. It clear you spend a lot of time thinking about, and writing, your posts.
I also loved the weekend challenges, sometimes I just randomly pick an old one to do! If you do decide to stop then thank you very much for being a positive voice in my life.
Thank you Lizzy!! Your words are like gold. And what a star you are that you go back to old assignments?!? You must be Living Simply over there 😉 xoxo
I rarely comment — only once before this — but I treasure the thoughts you share with us, the way you gently provoke our introspection on important topics. I would miss you terribly.
Oo, I love how you phrased this. Thank you so much for saying so!!!
Ditto ditto ditto. You are giving me a lot of joy and occasionally some focus. I don’t do any social media and follow only one other blogger (a Cal Tech physicist — not that I understand much of what he posts but it’s still interesting to me). Even without FB and Twitter and Instagram and Pintrest and LinkedIn and whatever else I am avoiding, I feel connected to you and through you to people who are striving for simplicity and joy. And in case my sister and best friend don’t take the time to comment as well, they agree with me on this point whole-heartedly!
Well, to say I’m MASSIVELY honored that you would choose to read this blog given how selective you clearly are would be an understatement. And I am SO glad to hear you feel connected to me and others, through me. Thank you, thank you, for this comment sweet Leanne!
I don’t blog because it’s cool, I blog because I enjoy it. If you like it keep at it, I know your readers will be happy if you do. 🙂
🙂 XX
PLEASE KEEP GOING! I love the simplicity of your blog — and I check it every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. You’re awesome.
SHANNON!!! Thank you for the encouragement!! This is exactly what I needed to hear. 😉 xoxooxox
I started reading last year, or was it this year…? Someone posted a piece up on a Hoard/clutter group on Facebook. I like your style so signed up.
I started an old car forum in 2007 but due to changed habits, using multi functional devices and people having excesses of info thrust at them in easy to access social media sites, and splintered other sub groups it’s cooled right off a few years ago, nothing but a few users and tumbleweed! I’ve temporarily lost interest even though a a new site and wordpress blog on it has been discussed…Keep up the good work. 🙂
Thanks Mark! Glad to have you reading along!
Like many of the other commenters, I read your blog multiple times a week even though I don’t generally comment… mainly because your writing style doesn’t need any outside follow up. It is perfect and witty and enjoyable and enlightening and refreshing all on its own. While I would understand if you decided that blogging was no longer a good fit for you (a decision no one but you can make)… please don’t stop just because you think no one reads, appreciates, or cares what you write. You are read. You are appreciated. You are loved. Long live writers!
Aw, Casey–thank you SO much for this uber sweet comment. I KNOW there are people behind those numbers, but to have a human voice connected to that stat makes it so much more rewarding on my end. xoxo
Your blog is on my list for checking every day. I rarely comment on blogs but I would so miss this one if it were gone. Even if I don;t use your ideas, they make me think outside my usual box so that I stretch to find something that fits me. I think that is part of your goal.
That most certainly is my goal! I hope that any nugget that speaks to you here allows you to riff off of it in your own style and the way that feels right in your space and life. Thank you for being a reader!!
Annie, I’ve commented only a handful of times over the last few years that I’ve followed your blog. You touch on the psychological aspect of how we look at things in a way I’ve never seen any other blogger who writes about our living spaces. You make the deeper connection as to WHY people make decisions about things. Your writing is set apart, and you are truly doing a different thing than anyone else. Please know your voice is valued and you are a daily encouragement to people you most likely will never even meet. Thank you for giving of yourself in such a way! You should know it does not return void.
Totally blown away by this comment, Katie. THANK YOU for articulating your experience of reading the blog. What you said is PRECISELY what I am hoping beyond hope gets conveyed, and the fact that it is, apparently (at least to you), is worth a million in blogger bucks. XOXOXOXOOX
Wave from Hong Kong!!!
I’m a long time reader of your beautiful blog and I’m one of those who never comments. Just wanna let you know you have fans from the “other side” of the globe.
You are one of the first blog i followed. I love everything about here: the contents, the colors, the font (yes, it’s important)you choose, there is a classy but realistic vibe here, I even love the quiet comment section.In this virtual world, I’m glad I found somewhere real and quiet that inspires me to live simply beautifully. You just don’t know how far your blog influences real people out there, miles and miles away.
No matter what is your decision, thank you for the ideas and motivation you have given us throughout the years.
Yen Yen, this comment is completely beautiful and kind of gives me the chills. How amazing it is to hear you say that you feel the blog is a place of realness and quietness in a crowded space. I couldn’t possibly hope to achieve more than that. Thank you for reading all the way over there!! xoxoox
Ditto to everything else everyone has already said. I have followed many blogs over the past ybut yours is only one of three that I haven’t quit. I love your Monday Meditations, and always feel they are right on for me. I also love the weekend challenges.
I know it must feel like you’re speaking into a vacuum sometimes, but there are a lot of us out here that don’t comment but get tremendously uplifted by your posts. Please don’t stop or feel discouraged!
Thank you for saying this Patty!!! I am beyond, beyond grateful and humbled that you’ve continued reading the blog. So appreciate you calling out the Mediations and the assignments, as well. Please know you can always add your voice into the mix! xx
What EVERYBODY has said! I rarely comment physically on the site but I am always writing comments in my mind. I look forward to every Monday Morning Meditation. I have re-read some of them so often I practically have them memorized and often reference them in conversations with friends on the same journey as I. I love your wit and style of writing. Of course, you have to make decisions that are right for you, but if you ever leave the blog world…give us a heads up, so I can print out EVERY article…could you’ll live with knowing that i will have to amass that enormous enormous amount of paper…isn’t that against the rules…LOL
OH. EM. GEE. You are such a STAR!! The fact that you’ve gone back and re-read–I mean, that blows me away and touches my biggest, deepest blogger heart.
And thank you for the guilt trip; I now can officially NEVER stop for fear of your amassing stacks upon stacks of paper. WELL PLAYED, DONNA, WELL PLAYED. 😉
Love love love to you!!
I too read every word..I like your ideas and meditations. Especially that last one..your organization ideas and advice has helped me get out of my own way and I read back posts for inspiration. All that aside I love the way you write.. intelligently. Thoughtfully…entirely all in and truly wanting to help us live more simply. And the fact that you aren’t afraid to speak your mind and use fuck every now and then when needed. Cuz let’s face it. You have to use! It makes me smile. And get up and bust it! Thank you Annie.
Thank you SO much Sarah, for this, and every one of your comments. You are such a valued voice around here!! And I cannot tell you how much I appreciate those sweet remarks–lord knows I have to keep it ultra real or this whole entity would be a waste of time, and I certainly try to do that with as much ahem eloquence (and sense?) as I can muster.
Thank you thank you! xoxoxo
Dear Annie,
Yours is, in fact, the only blog that I read. I take a bit of time each and every morning to read and reflect on your words and enjoy the photos of inspiring spaces before I start my day. I can’t begin to tell you how timely and helpful some of your posts have been (how is it that you manage to read my mind so often, btw?), and your lighthearted and personable writing style makes it feel like I’m getting advice from a good friend (which I like to think we would be if we ever met, because literally no one else in my life understands my deep love for home organization like you do).
Your words, and the time and energy that you invest in this blog, matter. They matter to me, and they have more impact than you will ever know. Much <3 for you and all that you do.-
Rachel!!!! I am COMPLETELY touched and so honored to hear this blog is a part of your daily routine–what a privilege!! Thank you SO MUCH for these amazingly kind words. Let’s not wait–lets just make it official and enter the friendship phase of our relationship NOW.
Yay! I’m tickled that you not only took the time to respond, but that we’re officially friends now ;D
Annie, your voice IS being heard. And it IS on its way. Brava you, for consistency of effort and voice, for wisdom and compassion, for wit and snarl that make me smile. I often find comments on blog posts to be inane and gratuitous, so I would never equate a lack of responses to your writing with indifference. More likely, folks are reflecting on your original ideas and/or grabbing a box to start a closet purge. Please do continue; your quiet but delighted readers will send you happy thankful vibes across the universe just like you and your long-lost friend and you can organize them by color or size. K? K. Best wishes.
DDU–I think YOU, my dear, should really be writing a blog, because your writing is BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, thank you for these gorgeously articulated thoughts. You’ve shut me right up besides saying that. In conclusion: K.
I have been following your blog posts for a short time, but I thoroughly enjoy your perspective on so many topics. This one included. I have a blog, but for now, I’m on hiatus. I just couldn’t think of anything more to say. I have enjoyed the connections I’ve made from the blog but I’m ready to step away—for now. I confess, I love the ease of Instagram and even facebook posts.
I also confess, while I read the blogs I subscribe to…faithfully…I don’t always comment. Sorry. But you are appreciated and I guess we do this (when we do post) for ourselves.
Enjoy your week.
Uch, I so appreciate your perspective on this, being a blogger yourself. I mean, it’s a huge commitment!
If you ever do feel like picking it back up, I think it’s important to keep in mind that even if you’ve said something in the past it doesn’t mean those reading saw that prior post, and that there are so many different ways to say similar ideas.
Thanks for the comment!!
I’m just adding on to the love pile here, but I absolutely adore your blog! It feels like what a blog should be. You have become part of my morning routine. Check my email, delete the junk, read what Annie has to say, go kick some ass. I don’t even roll up your emails in my! That’s seriously precious inbox real estate saved just for you.
Whatever you decide, thanks for sending so much goodness and so many made up words out in to the world. It’s our pleasure to be along for the ride.
Michaela! Thank you, my dear, for this and every comment you’ve left here!!
I’m completely honored to be a part of your daily routine, and not only that, but to be granted a slot in your actual inbox?!? I feel like that’s the virtual equivalent of having a free pass to come over uninvited! No, scratch that. Surprise home visits are THE WORST. So… let’s forget I ever mentioned that and THANKS for being a blog star.
P.S. So many bonus points for using!!
Keep blogging please! I normally don’t comment either, but love your posts and almost, always read them! I love what you have to say and how you say it. A lot of it resonates with me. Keep going and when it no longer suits you, it’s ok to stop. 🙂
Thank you so much for the encouragement, Heather!! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. xx
Please keep blogging!!
I started following you when I read your “The Most Important Post I’ve Ever Written: The Story Behind Live Simply”. What you wrote resonated so loudly with me, it took my breath away. In fact, each of the annual planners I have used since I found you, have the paragraph about how order was the first to go printed out and glued in at the front, as a reminder. As I become more and more unable to help around my house, I think of what you wrote and try to bring order where I can.
Your Monday Meditations continue to enrich my life; I look for them every week. Thank you so much for all the enrichment you and your words have added, and in fact, continue to add to my life.-
WOW. WHAT a comment! I’m speechless. Stupefied.
It is so powerful for me to hear that my story resonated with you enough to stick with you. Order truly was the first thing to go, and usually always is. I am SO proud of you for being aware of that, and for doing what you’re able to do in order to abate the chaos. Every effort counts, I promise.
I am so glad to be a source of encouragement or support for you. I hope I can ALWAYS be that.
Sending serious LOVE.
Please don’t quit! I enjoy reading your tips so much and you have been such an inspiration.
Oh, thank you for saying so, Kelly!!! A bit of encouragement when I needed it most!
As a big blog reader/browser I’d say there is a lot of nonsense out there, BUT the need for good blogs is here to stay! (And yes obvs I love yours.)
Oh man, Emilee. Thank you so much for saying that, and for drawing that distinction. I feel buoyed reading your words. 🙂 xx
We can hear you loud and clear…… reading each and every post!
Ontario, Canada-
Thank you so much!!! xoox
Hello from Australia – love, love, love your blog. Your messages are always in sync with what is going on in my life Some particular ones have especially inspired me to ‘carry on and forge ahead’ when I am having a bad day. I pass on your ideas to other people and they LOVE your blog.
Whole hearted thanks-
Karla!!! Thank you SO much for this kind comment. I feel so glad knowing that I’ve, in some way, contributed to your progress and growth. And a special thanks for sharing the blog with others–that is invaluable to me. xoxxo
Yes, PLEASE keep the blog! I’ve only commented one other time over the 3 or so years I’ve followed you, but your blog is my favorite and I’m amazed by how much new, interesting, and heartfelt content you’re able to come up with week after week. If blogs are dying out (which I don’t think is really true), it certainly doesn’t mean your’s will. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate reading a blogger with an actual (and beautiful!) writing voice. It’s refreshing. I leave your blog feeling inspired, encouraged, and excited to actually make a difference/change – big or small – that day.
Also, I’ve been writing a dissertation (UGH) for the last couple years and your Monday Meditation posts were so helpful to me. I can’t tell you how many times I woke up Monday morning to check my blogs, usually to put off the beginning of another long week of writing, only to find something that really spoke to and motivated me in your Monday post. I finished the diss. a few weeks ago, so thank you for the encouragement!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
OH MAN. WHAT a comment! I am blown away by this validation you’ve given me.
If I gave you an ounce of encouragement to finish that dissertation, please know you’ve given me that same support in spades with these words.
But, more to the point: CONGRATS on finishing that dissertation!!!! Go girl!!!
Your blog is inspiring and while you might not see comments everyday it is a true delight. I long to find my balance of a simple and beautiful life and maybe one day in Seattle too!
Thank you, thank you, Nicole for this encouragement. (P.S. You ARE finding your balance, right as we speak.)
I lack the knack for writing and conversation so forgive me when I say ditto to all the previous comments. Annie, you’re an awesome writer, inspireror, and funny to boot!
You lack nothing, lady!
Thank you SO much for adding your beautiful voice into the conversation. I appreciate it more than you know. xoxoox
Well, you know I read it! 😉 I love hearing your take on things and seeing all the beautiful clean spaces. You have a wonderful way with words and I feel inspired by your posts. Geeze, lady, I follow your Insta, your blog, and your Pinterest; I don’t know any other way to possibly let you know your words and wit make a difference 🙂
Cheyenne (Team Garvey)-
CHEYENNE!!! YOU. YOU!! You are responsible for at least, like, SEVERAL months worth of posts.
You have been and continue to be such an important voice here, and you’ve given me so much in the way of affirming that my efforts are not for nought.
Thank you, thank you, thank you sweet friend.
I have never left a comment on your blog, but it is one of the two I read on a regular basis. I guess I felt like you were going to give and give and be fine without getting any feedback in return! Your blogs are quality reads and really resonate with me. I would say your blog has helped change my perspective and the way I live in such a positive way. I am still learning so much from what you write. I hope you keep going!
Thank you SO much for giving of your time and brain juices to write this response. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtful words. And hey, it might have been my words that encouraged growth, but in the end, it’s what YOU did with them that counts.
Hugs hugs!!
[…] wasn’t expecting anything when I wrote Thursday’s post. I didn’t really imagine what the response would be, or if there would be one. Only, I had […]
Do. Not. Stop.
I would miss your posts terribly. You are great at what you do and your posts are helpful, funny, thoughtful and just great.
You’ve said before about doing what you’re called to do. Sharing with the world what you’re good at. So don’t stop now and leave us all hanging!!!Xo
Ellen from Brooklyn-
Ellen from Brooklyn!!! My sweet friend!!
Thank you for this bit of encouragement, and for all of your comments. YOU are central to this blog. Your voice is so important and valued here.
Thank you!!(Still excited for how glorious it will be when we finally meet.)
I’m a 21yo girl from Australia. I have been loving your blog for a few years now! LIke many others, i am a very regular reader, but i rarely rarely comment.
This is more than a comment though, this is kind of an ode. A plea: Please Keep Blogging in theLive SImply way.I thought I’d list a few reasons why your blog is so special 🙂
> your Monday Motivations are pearls of wisdom that inspire all of us to live a better and fuller life
>you have a way of discussing current/pertinent social issues without offending anyone
>even though i am the other side of the world from you, i can pick up Live Simply tips & tricks from your blogs, and use them to make changes in my life. And that is definitely next best to having you here in person
>.No matter where readers are geographically, your words still appeal and make sense and inspire change
>your voice is so clear and authentic. It is easy to read and easy to understand, it is so.. REAL. 🙂in todays online world, where so much information is thrown at us all each day, it is such a grounding relief to have one sensible blogger (you!xx) who will provide honest, real, thoughtful opinions. words that have meaning and inspire change. words that arent designed purely for SEO rankings, or to make money, but genuine words that are designed to convey important life values and help us to Live Simply. and that, Annie, is Priceless. xx
Hi Annie,
I simply love your LiveSimply blog. Do I find every post applicable to me? No. But your underlying message in every post is constant and that is something I can appreciate every day. I particularly love your posts about getting rid, cleaning out and making the space your own (with a healthy dose of don’t replace that which you’ve just let go of!). There are organizational blogs out there, but most seem focused on purchasing more to make it look pretty. I am 55, married with three adult children. I don’t need to be purchasing more…but I do need encouragement to let go and feel “lighter”.
Hope this encourages you to keep doing what you’re doing! -
Annie, I’m so glad you pondered whether there is still an audience for you. As one person, I say a hearty “yes”! I discovered you last year, in 2015, when I was starting to update my kitchen. After I found you, I went back and read EVERY SINGLE POST you’d ever written. I got so much insight, and information. I love your confidence in how you write–stream of conscious, honest, sharing, always on point. I don’t live in your region so will probably never meet you, but you are truly a part of my life. I have shared many of your Monday meditations with my friends/sisters/daughter. If/when you’ve decided you don’t want to do this anymore, I’ll be very sad. But if you still have the interest and energy, please know that you are important and valued. Thank you for what you do!
Annie, I love the blog! You are my virtual twin! Don’t leave me; you get me! My friends don’t think organizing their sock drawer is fun, but you get it. They don’t think it’s worth it to spend salary on matching wooden hangers for their closet, but you get it! I’m here and always reading, saying heck yes to de-pilling sweaters and scrubbing my shower grout. Love it!
Keep on keeping on, Annie! (I only read one blog, by the way–guess who’s?) Your wisdom and humor and unique style of expression is something I look forward to as I check my inbox. Thanks for sharing your gifts and being there for us (and for all the gorgeous deco porn and ideas!) I hope you stay around for a long long time… You rock! xox
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I have never once commented on your blog but have read it daily for three years. Often, your blogs need no comment! They’re all “look how awesome!” And “you know you want to get your life together,” which is often exactly the kick in the pants your readers need to get up and take action. Your writing style is hysterical and I think the reason I enjoy it so much is because it’s clear YOU enjoy it so much. Like the person who cracks jokes for their own benefit, and is clearly having a good time. If it brings you joy, keep doing it. It certainly brings me joy to read!
Oh man, thank you so much for this comment, Laura!! Totally get where you’re coming from about feeling as though no comment as needed.
I am SO happy to hear that the joy I funnel into this space is coming through on the other end. THANK YOU for being such a loyal reader for so long! xxx
I hear you. I adore you and your blog. (And ditto Laura’s comments, although I have sometimes commented and also longed for some interesting dialogue to commence in the comment boxes.).
I adore YOU! Thank you for this and every one of your comments. And yes, my real desire for more conversation is so that readers can benefit from and support each other! Share resources, etc. I’ve heard that embedding chat forums into website is notoriously difficult, but maybe that’s a farce and maybe I could look into that? Maybe. We’ll mull. 😉
And your blog is like getting a little piece of you in my mailbox everyday, so I’m obviously all in favor of it
I rarely comment either but yours is my absolute favourite blog. It was also the very first blog I followed. There is something about subscribing to a blog that we take a few minutes to read rather than a a link on Facebook or instagram that I love. It feels like a special treat.
This comment feels like a special treat. For REAL. I am savoring them and saving them up. Thank you for reading and please know you can always chime in!! xoxoxo
Annie – you’re blog is my daily hit of sunshine. Please continue to wow your readers!
Cheers from Ontario Canada
SUE!! SO many big hugs to you!!! I can’t possibly stop knowing it’s a bit of sunshine!! Thank you for this sweet comment. xx
Whaaaat??? You can.not quit!! I, also, read your blog religiously yet have never commented… You are SO real! You were introduced to me by Alex Phillips over a year ago. Every morning I look forward to your humor and insight. If you stop blogging we’ll have to meet for coffee at least once a week because I so love having you in my life! Seriously, how can we stay in touch? You need to at least come beautify my space! I hope and pray you continue with your labor of love. It is read and appreciated!
Oh Lisa, you are THE BEST, that much is clear from this comment, alone. THANK YOU for these ridiculously kind words. Oh hey, I’m way in on the friend bit. Let’s drink all the coffee! Let’s AT LEAST have me come beautify your space! 😉 xoxooxooxo
You are the cheerleader that we all need from time to time. I found you about a year ago because I needed to kickstart some change in my life and you were one of the few that didn’t make me feel guilty or scolded. Your Monday Meditations are a highlight of my week. I appreciate how genuine and accessible you make yourself. You have a gift for writing and I agree with the posts above, if it brings you joy, please continue! We’re out here reading along. And if you want to resume the weekend challenges, I’m even happier. So on all fronts, you encourage, instruct and inspire and if you were to decide to stop, the Internet and the world would be a less productive place. Thanks for all that you do!
THANK YOU Patty!!!! You cannot know how much your words mean to me–that you feel like this is a place you can come for motivation sans guilt or shaming–that is EVERYTHING I am after!
Lasting positive change comes from good energy, from loving support, after all. Not from judgment or the disconnectedness of a seemingly unattainable, un-replicable example.
THANK you for mentioning the Meditations, as well as the assignments–those specifics are HUGELY helpful for me.
Patty let’s hug virtually right now, okay?? Ready?! —
[hug!] 🙂
Thank you for being such a wonderful blogger.
Thank you for reading and for this sweet comment!!
I read your blog weekly if not daily & it is one of my favorites! I love your product round ups & the designers you share!! You’re hilarious & make blog posts about organization entertaining and fun. I also love when you show us before & afters of your work or introduce us to other Seattle area bloggers, designers, etc… Thank you!!!
What’s up name buddy–thank you SO much for this comment. I so appreciate you mentioning those specifics, since, after all, I want this to be helpful and interesting to YOU! And oh MAN, if I do manage to make organizing topics entertaining and fun…well, mission accomplished.
Please don’t quit. I really love your blog and the regularity of it. I actually quite like NOT having a discourse with some of the people that I follow. Blogging seems a lot more considered and private than it used to in some ways (probably because instagram etc reveals so much more about people’s lives…well the bit the want us to see anyway!). Love what you have to say. Love the way you say it. Love your writing and sense of humour. It clear you spend a lot of time thinking about, and writing, your posts.
I also loved the weekend challenges, sometimes I just randomly pick an old one to do! If you do decide to stop then thank you very much for being a positive voice in my life.
Thank you Lizzy!! Your words are like gold. And what a star you are that you go back to old assignments?!? You must be Living Simply over there 😉 xoxo
I rarely comment — only once before this — but I treasure the thoughts you share with us, the way you gently provoke our introspection on important topics. I would miss you terribly.
Oo, I love how you phrased this. Thank you so much for saying so!!!
Ditto ditto ditto. You are giving me a lot of joy and occasionally some focus. I don’t do any social media and follow only one other blogger (a Cal Tech physicist — not that I understand much of what he posts but it’s still interesting to me). Even without FB and Twitter and Instagram and Pintrest and LinkedIn and whatever else I am avoiding, I feel connected to you and through you to people who are striving for simplicity and joy. And in case my sister and best friend don’t take the time to comment as well, they agree with me on this point whole-heartedly!
Well, to say I’m MASSIVELY honored that you would choose to read this blog given how selective you clearly are would be an understatement. And I am SO glad to hear you feel connected to me and others, through me. Thank you, thank you, for this comment sweet Leanne!
I don’t blog because it’s cool, I blog because I enjoy it. If you like it keep at it, I know your readers will be happy if you do. 🙂
🙂 XX
PLEASE KEEP GOING! I love the simplicity of your blog — and I check it every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. You’re awesome.
SHANNON!!! Thank you for the encouragement!! This is exactly what I needed to hear. 😉 xoxooxox
I started reading last year, or was it this year…? Someone posted a piece up on a Hoard/clutter group on Facebook. I like your style so signed up.
I started an old car forum in 2007 but due to changed habits, using multi functional devices and people having excesses of info thrust at them in easy to access social media sites, and splintered other sub groups it’s cooled right off a few years ago, nothing but a few users and tumbleweed! I’ve temporarily lost interest even though a a new site and wordpress blog on it has been discussed…
Keep up the good work. 🙂
Thanks Mark! Glad to have you reading along!
Like many of the other commenters, I read your blog multiple times a week even though I don’t generally comment… mainly because your writing style doesn’t need any outside follow up. It is perfect and witty and enjoyable and enlightening and refreshing all on its own. While I would understand if you decided that blogging was no longer a good fit for you (a decision no one but you can make)… please don’t stop just because you think no one reads, appreciates, or cares what you write. You are read. You are appreciated. You are loved. Long live writers!
Aw, Casey–thank you SO much for this uber sweet comment. I KNOW there are people behind those numbers, but to have a human voice connected to that stat makes it so much more rewarding on my end. xoxo
Your blog is on my list for checking every day. I rarely comment on blogs but I would so miss this one if it were gone. Even if I don;t use your ideas, they make me think outside my usual box so that I stretch to find something that fits me. I think that is part of your goal.
That most certainly is my goal! I hope that any nugget that speaks to you here allows you to riff off of it in your own style and the way that feels right in your space and life. Thank you for being a reader!!
Annie, I’ve commented only a handful of times over the last few years that I’ve followed your blog. You touch on the psychological aspect of how we look at things in a way I’ve never seen any other blogger who writes about our living spaces. You make the deeper connection as to WHY people make decisions about things. Your writing is set apart, and you are truly doing a different thing than anyone else. Please know your voice is valued and you are a daily encouragement to people you most likely will never even meet. Thank you for giving of yourself in such a way! You should know it does not return void.
Totally blown away by this comment, Katie. THANK YOU for articulating your experience of reading the blog. What you said is PRECISELY what I am hoping beyond hope gets conveyed, and the fact that it is, apparently (at least to you), is worth a million in blogger bucks. XOXOXOXOOX
Wave from Hong Kong!!!
I’m a long time reader of your beautiful blog and I’m one of those who never comments. Just wanna let you know you have fans from the “other side” of the globe.
You are one of the first blog i followed. I love everything about here: the contents, the colors, the font (yes, it’s important)you choose, there is a classy but realistic vibe here, I even love the quiet comment section.
In this virtual world, I’m glad I found somewhere real and quiet that inspires me to live simply beautifully. You just don’t know how far your blog influences real people out there, miles and miles away.
No matter what is your decision, thank you for the ideas and motivation you have given us throughout the years.
Yen Yen, this comment is completely beautiful and kind of gives me the chills. How amazing it is to hear you say that you feel the blog is a place of realness and quietness in a crowded space. I couldn’t possibly hope to achieve more than that. Thank you for reading all the way over there!! xoxoox
Ditto to everything else everyone has already said. I have followed many blogs over the past ybut yours is only one of three that I haven’t quit. I love your Monday Meditations, and always feel they are right on for me. I also love the weekend challenges.
I know it must feel like you’re speaking into a vacuum sometimes, but there are a lot of us out here that don’t comment but get tremendously uplifted by your posts. Please don’t stop or feel discouraged!
Thank you for saying this Patty!!! I am beyond, beyond grateful and humbled that you’ve continued reading the blog. So appreciate you calling out the Mediations and the assignments, as well. Please know you can always add your voice into the mix! xx
What EVERYBODY has said! I rarely comment physically on the site but I am always writing comments in my mind. I look forward to every Monday Morning Meditation. I have re-read some of them so often I practically have them memorized and often reference them in conversations with friends on the same journey as I. I love your wit and style of writing. Of course, you have to make decisions that are right for you, but if you ever leave the blog world…give us a heads up, so I can print out EVERY article…could you’ll live with knowing that i will have to amass that enormous enormous amount of paper…isn’t that against the rules…LOL
OH. EM. GEE. You are such a STAR!! The fact that you’ve gone back and re-read–I mean, that blows me away and touches my biggest, deepest blogger heart.
And thank you for the guilt trip; I now can officially NEVER stop for fear of your amassing stacks upon stacks of paper. WELL PLAYED, DONNA, WELL PLAYED. 😉
Love love love to you!!
I too read every word..I like your ideas and meditations. Especially that last one..your organization ideas and advice has helped me get out of my own way and I read back posts for inspiration. All that aside I love the way you write.. intelligently. Thoughtfully…entirely all in and truly wanting to help us live more simply. And the fact that you aren’t afraid to speak your mind and use fuck every now and then when needed. Cuz let’s face it. You have to use! It makes me smile. And get up and bust it! Thank you Annie.
Thank you SO much Sarah, for this, and every one of your comments. You are such a valued voice around here!! And I cannot tell you how much I appreciate those sweet remarks–lord knows I have to keep it ultra real or this whole entity would be a waste of time, and I certainly try to do that with as much ahem eloquence (and sense?) as I can muster.
Thank you thank you! xoxoxo
Dear Annie,
Yours is, in fact, the only blog that I read. I take a bit of time each and every morning to read and reflect on your words and enjoy the photos of inspiring spaces before I start my day. I can’t begin to tell you how timely and helpful some of your posts have been (how is it that you manage to read my mind so often, btw?), and your lighthearted and personable writing style makes it feel like I’m getting advice from a good friend (which I like to think we would be if we ever met, because literally no one else in my life understands my deep love for home organization like you do).
Your words, and the time and energy that you invest in this blog, matter. They matter to me, and they have more impact than you will ever know. Much <3 for you and all that you do.
Rachel!!!! I am COMPLETELY touched and so honored to hear this blog is a part of your daily routine–what a privilege!! Thank you SO MUCH for these amazingly kind words. Let’s not wait–lets just make it official and enter the friendship phase of our relationship NOW.
Yay! I’m tickled that you not only took the time to respond, but that we’re officially friends now ;D
Annie, your voice IS being heard. And it IS on its way. Brava you, for consistency of effort and voice, for wisdom and compassion, for wit and snarl that make me smile. I often find comments on blog posts to be inane and gratuitous, so I would never equate a lack of responses to your writing with indifference. More likely, folks are reflecting on your original ideas and/or grabbing a box to start a closet purge. Please do continue; your quiet but delighted readers will send you happy thankful vibes across the universe just like you and your long-lost friend and you can organize them by color or size. K? K. Best wishes.
DDU–I think YOU, my dear, should really be writing a blog, because your writing is BEAUTIFUL. Thank you, thank you for these gorgeously articulated thoughts. You’ve shut me right up besides saying that. In conclusion: K.
I have been following your blog posts for a short time, but I thoroughly enjoy your perspective on so many topics. This one included. I have a blog, but for now, I’m on hiatus. I just couldn’t think of anything more to say. I have enjoyed the connections I’ve made from the blog but I’m ready to step away—for now. I confess, I love the ease of Instagram and even facebook posts.
I also confess, while I read the blogs I subscribe to…faithfully…I don’t always comment. Sorry. But you are appreciated and I guess we do this (when we do post) for ourselves.
Enjoy your week.
Uch, I so appreciate your perspective on this, being a blogger yourself. I mean, it’s a huge commitment!
If you ever do feel like picking it back up, I think it’s important to keep in mind that even if you’ve said something in the past it doesn’t mean those reading saw that prior post, and that there are so many different ways to say similar ideas.
Thanks for the comment!!
I’m just adding on to the love pile here, but I absolutely adore your blog! It feels like what a blog should be. You have become part of my morning routine. Check my email, delete the junk, read what Annie has to say, go kick some ass. I don’t even roll up your emails in my! That’s seriously precious inbox real estate saved just for you.
Whatever you decide, thanks for sending so much goodness and so many made up words out in to the world. It’s our pleasure to be along for the ride.
Michaela! Thank you, my dear, for this and every comment you’ve left here!!
I’m completely honored to be a part of your daily routine, and not only that, but to be granted a slot in your actual inbox?!? I feel like that’s the virtual equivalent of having a free pass to come over uninvited! No, scratch that. Surprise home visits are THE WORST. So… let’s forget I ever mentioned that and THANKS for being a blog star.
P.S. So many bonus points for using!!
Keep blogging please! I normally don’t comment either, but love your posts and almost, always read them! I love what you have to say and how you say it. A lot of it resonates with me. Keep going and when it no longer suits you, it’s ok to stop. 🙂
Thank you so much for the encouragement, Heather!! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. xx
Please keep blogging!!
I started following you when I read your “The Most Important Post I’ve Ever Written: The Story Behind Live Simply”. What you wrote resonated so loudly with me, it took my breath away. In fact, each of the annual planners I have used since I found you, have the paragraph about how order was the first to go printed out and glued in at the front, as a reminder. As I become more and more unable to help around my house, I think of what you wrote and try to bring order where I can.
Your Monday Meditations continue to enrich my life; I look for them every week. Thank you so much for all the enrichment you and your words have added, and in fact, continue to add to my life.
WOW. WHAT a comment! I’m speechless. Stupefied.
It is so powerful for me to hear that my story resonated with you enough to stick with you. Order truly was the first thing to go, and usually always is. I am SO proud of you for being aware of that, and for doing what you’re able to do in order to abate the chaos. Every effort counts, I promise.
I am so glad to be a source of encouragement or support for you. I hope I can ALWAYS be that.
Sending serious LOVE.
Please don’t quit! I enjoy reading your tips so much and you have been such an inspiration.
Oh, thank you for saying so, Kelly!!! A bit of encouragement when I needed it most!
As a big blog reader/browser I’d say there is a lot of nonsense out there, BUT the need for good blogs is here to stay! (And yes obvs I love yours.)
Oh man, Emilee. Thank you so much for saying that, and for drawing that distinction. I feel buoyed reading your words. 🙂 xx
We can hear you loud and clear…… reading each and every post!
Ontario, Canada
Thank you so much!!! xoox
Hello from Australia – love, love, love your blog. Your messages are always in sync with what is going on in my life Some particular ones have especially inspired me to ‘carry on and forge ahead’ when I am having a bad day. I pass on your ideas to other people and they LOVE your blog.
Whole hearted thanks
Karla!!! Thank you SO much for this kind comment. I feel so glad knowing that I’ve, in some way, contributed to your progress and growth. And a special thanks for sharing the blog with others–that is invaluable to me. xoxxo
Yes, PLEASE keep the blog! I’ve only commented one other time over the 3 or so years I’ve followed you, but your blog is my favorite and I’m amazed by how much new, interesting, and heartfelt content you’re able to come up with week after week. If blogs are dying out (which I don’t think is really true), it certainly doesn’t mean your’s will. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate reading a blogger with an actual (and beautiful!) writing voice. It’s refreshing. I leave your blog feeling inspired, encouraged, and excited to actually make a difference/change – big or small – that day.
Also, I’ve been writing a dissertation (UGH) for the last couple years and your Monday Meditation posts were so helpful to me. I can’t tell you how many times I woke up Monday morning to check my blogs, usually to put off the beginning of another long week of writing, only to find something that really spoke to and motivated me in your Monday post. I finished the diss. a few weeks ago, so thank you for the encouragement!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
OH MAN. WHAT a comment! I am blown away by this validation you’ve given me.
If I gave you an ounce of encouragement to finish that dissertation, please know you’ve given me that same support in spades with these words.
But, more to the point: CONGRATS on finishing that dissertation!!!! Go girl!!!
Your blog is inspiring and while you might not see comments everyday it is a true delight. I long to find my balance of a simple and beautiful life and maybe one day in Seattle too!
Thank you, thank you, Nicole for this encouragement. (P.S. You ARE finding your balance, right as we speak.)
I lack the knack for writing and conversation so forgive me when I say ditto to all the previous comments. Annie, you’re an awesome writer, inspireror, and funny to boot!
You lack nothing, lady!
Thank you SO much for adding your beautiful voice into the conversation. I appreciate it more than you know. xoxoox
Well, you know I read it! 😉 I love hearing your take on things and seeing all the beautiful clean spaces. You have a wonderful way with words and I feel inspired by your posts. Geeze, lady, I follow your Insta, your blog, and your Pinterest; I don’t know any other way to possibly let you know your words and wit make a difference 🙂
Cheyenne (Team Garvey)
CHEYENNE!!! YOU. YOU!! You are responsible for at least, like, SEVERAL months worth of posts.
You have been and continue to be such an important voice here, and you’ve given me so much in the way of affirming that my efforts are not for nought.
Thank you, thank you, thank you sweet friend.
I have never left a comment on your blog, but it is one of the two I read on a regular basis. I guess I felt like you were going to give and give and be fine without getting any feedback in return! Your blogs are quality reads and really resonate with me. I would say your blog has helped change my perspective and the way I live in such a positive way. I am still learning so much from what you write. I hope you keep going!
Thank you SO much for giving of your time and brain juices to write this response. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtful words. And hey, it might have been my words that encouraged growth, but in the end, it’s what YOU did with them that counts.
Hugs hugs!!
[…] wasn’t expecting anything when I wrote Thursday’s post. I didn’t really imagine what the response would be, or if there would be one. Only, I had […]
Do. Not. Stop.
I would miss your posts terribly. You are great at what you do and your posts are helpful, funny, thoughtful and just great.
You’ve said before about doing what you’re called to do. Sharing with the world what you’re good at. So don’t stop now and leave us all hanging!!!
Ellen from Brooklyn
Ellen from Brooklyn!!! My sweet friend!!
Thank you for this bit of encouragement, and for all of your comments. YOU are central to this blog. Your voice is so important and valued here.
Thank you!!
(Still excited for how glorious it will be when we finally meet.)
I’m a 21yo girl from Australia. I have been loving your blog for a few years now! LIke many others, i am a very regular reader, but i rarely rarely comment.
This is more than a comment though, this is kind of an ode. A plea: Please Keep Blogging in theLive SImply way.
I thought I’d list a few reasons why your blog is so special 🙂
> your Monday Motivations are pearls of wisdom that inspire all of us to live a better and fuller life
>you have a way of discussing current/pertinent social issues without offending anyone
>even though i am the other side of the world from you, i can pick up Live Simply tips & tricks from your blogs, and use them to make changes in my life. And that is definitely next best to having you here in person
>.No matter where readers are geographically, your words still appeal and make sense and inspire change
>your voice is so clear and authentic. It is easy to read and easy to understand, it is so.. REAL. 🙂
in todays online world, where so much information is thrown at us all each day, it is such a grounding relief to have one sensible blogger (you!xx) who will provide honest, real, thoughtful opinions. words that have meaning and inspire change. words that arent designed purely for SEO rankings, or to make money, but genuine words that are designed to convey important life values and help us to Live Simply. and that, Annie, is Priceless. xx
Hi Annie,
I simply love your LiveSimply blog. Do I find every post applicable to me? No. But your underlying message in every post is constant and that is something I can appreciate every day. I particularly love your posts about getting rid, cleaning out and making the space your own (with a healthy dose of don’t replace that which you’ve just let go of!). There are organizational blogs out there, but most seem focused on purchasing more to make it look pretty. I am 55, married with three adult children. I don’t need to be purchasing more…but I do need encouragement to let go and feel “lighter”.
Hope this encourages you to keep doing what you’re doing!
Annie, I’m so glad you pondered whether there is still an audience for you. As one person, I say a hearty “yes”! I discovered you last year, in 2015, when I was starting to update my kitchen. After I found you, I went back and read EVERY SINGLE POST you’d ever written. I got so much insight, and information. I love your confidence in how you write–stream of conscious, honest, sharing, always on point. I don’t live in your region so will probably never meet you, but you are truly a part of my life. I have shared many of your Monday meditations with my friends/sisters/daughter. If/when you’ve decided you don’t want to do this anymore, I’ll be very sad. But if you still have the interest and energy, please know that you are important and valued. Thank you for what you do!
Annie, I love the blog! You are my virtual twin! Don’t leave me; you get me! My friends don’t think organizing their sock drawer is fun, but you get it. They don’t think it’s worth it to spend salary on matching wooden hangers for their closet, but you get it! I’m here and always reading, saying heck yes to de-pilling sweaters and scrubbing my shower grout. Love it!
Keep on keeping on, Annie! (I only read one blog, by the way–guess who’s?) Your wisdom and humor and unique style of expression is something I look forward to as I check my inbox. Thanks for sharing your gifts and being there for us (and for all the gorgeous deco porn and ideas!) I hope you stay around for a long long time… You rock! xox