Spotlight on France, The Country (Part 1)
A little while ago I received one of the loveliest invitations which went something along the lines of, "Come Live Simply in France for a...
14 Things About Seattle
In honor of my forthcoming one year Seattle residi-versary, I present you with 14 observations about this place in my humble opinion: Things about Seattle...
Mother’s Day Organizing Sale!
Want to shower your mama with love this Mother's Day? Treat her to Live Simply! Now until Friday, all organizing services (that includes both virtual...
Spotlight On Zack Rosen
Let's have some frank talk: I get complimented on my website constantly. And you know what? I tend to agree with those statements of flattery;...
Share The Blove
Thank you all for the sweet birthday wishes yesterday, I can't tell you how they warmed the cockles (is there a stranger word?) of my...
Surveying And Other Stuff
Happy Friday little readers. Today I have a tiny (mighty huge) favor to ask you. I've made up this survey, see, about the Live Simply...