Live Simply in 2019, June Mantra: Simplify Schedules
Embracing a freer schedule is natural, but it isn’t normal in this part of the world. Here, we hurry. We shlep. We carpool, and...
Live Simply In 2019, May Mantra: Revel In The Routine
Routines are magic. Tasked with making an endless slew of new, additional decisions daily, our overloaded minds thrive when they're able to rely on pre-established...
Live Simply in 2019, April Mantra: Find Reasons To Feel Good
It was a sunny, Spring afternoon, and I was headed home from a meeting with a fantastic client. I had my windows rolled all the...
Live Simply in 2019, March Mantra: Re-Examine The Familiar
Most of us yearn for familiarity. All we want is the safety and security that comes after routines have been established, relationships have been solidified,...
Live Simply in 2019, February Mantra: Stick To Your Systems
Conceived during moments of epiphany, revelation, and ambition, the systems we build into and for our lives become integral to our overall functioning. We design...
Live Simply in 2019, January Mantra: Begin Now
Begin now. Begin today because today is all we know for certain. Because tomorrow you will wish you had begun today. Begin now if the...