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Monday’s Meditation: On Energy

I am whatever the opposite of easily influenced is. If I don’t want to go out at night, for instance, there is nothing and no...
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Monday’s Meditation: On Facing The Big Scary

I am in the business of facing The Big Scary. Whatever it is, let's just get it out in the open and deal with it;...
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Monday’s Meditation: On Perfection & Perfectionism

I’m fascinated by the idea of perfectionism. In fact, I’m convinced that in American culture and others like it, we spend far too little time...
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Monday’s Meditation: On Playing Our Parts

This past weekend, I spent my leisure time toe-dipping into the realm of recent cultural sensations which had previously passed me by. I finally mustered...
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Monday’s Meditation: On Martin Luther King Jr.

I sat down this past weekend as I do every weekend, ready to compose a meditation about the great Martin Luther King Jr. and I...
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Makeup Organization

Happy Tuesday cinnybuns. Today I'm over on One Fine Day talking makeup organization. Head on over yonder there to read the full post. And like smile...
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Monday’s Meditation: On Breaking Up

During a recent girl get-together, a conversation stream commenced revolving around one bitty's relationship upheaval. She regaled us in the particulars of fight #1, 2,...
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Special Announcement: Live Simply Services Go Virtual!

Today I have opted to forgo the traditional Monday post in favor of a pressing news bulletin. For those of you who especially love my...
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Monday’s Meditation: On Resolutions

It's nearly the new year. As we move from one completed cycle of months into the next, our inclination is to review what has transpired...
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