Monday’s Meditation: On Energy

February 18, 2013

I am whatever the opposite of easily influenced is. If I don’t want to go out at night, for instance, there is nothing and no outfit you could tempt me with that will change my mind. I will not alter myself depending upon who I’m around and what they’re engaged in, and I’ve always been that way.

I have been, however, incredibly susceptible to the energy around me. It took me a while—too long— to realize that. The day I did, my whole life changed in a subtle, cosmic way.

I came to this planet a happy soul, filled with light. I didn’t work to intentionally cultivate that energy, nor did I think about transmitting the opposite. Simply put, I didn’t consider energy much at all. That’s what would get me into trouble.

In college, I befriended a person who solidly belonged to that set who are said to have “very high highs and very low lows.” When she was fun, man was she ever fun. When she was happy, the world seemed a happy place. And when she was sullen, which was often, when she was quietly mourning, numb and sad, all was that way. Or so it felt to me.

I got lost in her energy. I misguidedly believed that it was wrong or rude to continue radiating my inner joy when in the company of someone operating in and exuding negativity. It felt uncomfortable, to continue to kick my heels and frolic and hum when she, my companion, was so utterly dejected, so small and with such big, sad eyes. I felt obliged to meet her at her energy level. I adopted it as my own. How silly.

When we graduated, I began to distance myself from her. When I did I finally awoke to the dynamic I had been propagating for those four years. It was a realization that was both freeing and infuriating: I had been willingly (willingly!) existing on a negative energy wavelength that didn’t belong to me. Can you imagine?

When I was done with all that, when I had decided that I needed to walk away from the friendship, it was just my energy again. And it was as though a bloom that had been suspended just beneath the surface for years, and which was trampled upon each time it tempted ascent, had finally been allowed to rise.

I am a person wholly invested in positivity. I won’t compromise on that fact moving forward. I will try my utmost to never again in my life conceal my inner feelings of goodness and health and happiness, nor temper them in the presence of those giving off soured energy. Rather, I am apt to recognize negativity in another to be a request for my positivity, rather than an invitation to join them in the mire.

I am committed to holding steady to my joy, for my own sake, and for the sake of the whole world. I have become purposeful about it in a way I never was previously. I am joyful and glad and I may have occasion to apologize for many things in this life, but my inner radiance will never again be one of them.

We are all responsible for the energy we put forth into the world.

Every moment of our lives, we are giving off energy, a frequency that silently, invisibility extends outwards from us in endless ripples. Our energy communicates the emotional and mental level on which we exist. Our energy doesn’t lie. It will reveal our state of being, how we perceive and experience the world, every time. It will radiate more strongly than any smile we force or laugh we fake. And to our energy, the universe will respond in kind. What we give off will be returned to us. We will eventually feel the mirrored response to our energy whether we recognize it as that or not.

The day you take responsibility for the energy you give yourself and the energy you create for others– on that day, your whole life will change.




  1. Janelle @ Two Cups of Happy on February 18, 2013 at 5:13 am

    I really enjoyed this piece. So often I feel that I am being empathetic when I take on another person’s energy, but this isn’t always the case. I’ve never explicitly considered what energy I put out. I will be more conscious of this now. Thank you!

  2. david on February 18, 2013 at 9:15 am

    thanks for sharing your positive energy with the world.

  3. Mary Catherine on February 18, 2013 at 11:15 am

    This is a BEAUTIFUL post–full of wisdom. Thanks for sharing it. So true! xoxo

  4. ashley on February 18, 2013 at 6:38 pm

    i love that you took responsibility for the situation, even though it was someone else’s attitude that was bringing you down. it reminds me of something i often remind myself of: “for things to change, first i must change.”

  5. Jennifer Opsahl (@thepapersociety) on February 18, 2013 at 7:29 pm

    Stunning post, as always. Thank you for your writing, Annie 🙂

  6. Rachel {Little Bits of Lovely} on February 22, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    This is such a beautiful post Annie and on reflection of what you wrote, it is oh so true and I couldn’t agree more. The effect of other people’s energy on ourselves can often be overwhelming but your post has more importantly made me think more carefully at the energy I am putting out there xx

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  1. Janelle @ Two Cups of Happy on February 18, 2013 at 5:13 am

    I really enjoyed this piece. So often I feel that I am being empathetic when I take on another person’s energy, but this isn’t always the case. I’ve never explicitly considered what energy I put out. I will be more conscious of this now. Thank you!

  2. david on February 18, 2013 at 9:15 am

    thanks for sharing your positive energy with the world.

  3. Mary Catherine on February 18, 2013 at 11:15 am

    This is a BEAUTIFUL post–full of wisdom. Thanks for sharing it. So true! xoxo

  4. ashley on February 18, 2013 at 6:38 pm

    i love that you took responsibility for the situation, even though it was someone else’s attitude that was bringing you down. it reminds me of something i often remind myself of: “for things to change, first i must change.”

  5. Jennifer Opsahl (@thepapersociety) on February 18, 2013 at 7:29 pm

    Stunning post, as always. Thank you for your writing, Annie 🙂

  6. Rachel {Little Bits of Lovely} on February 22, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    This is such a beautiful post Annie and on reflection of what you wrote, it is oh so true and I couldn’t agree more. The effect of other people’s energy on ourselves can often be overwhelming but your post has more importantly made me think more carefully at the energy I am putting out there xx

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