Monday’s Meditation: On Power
It's tempting to blame others for unfortunate circumstances in life. There is no shortage in this world of bad bosses, unkind teachers, or deceitful coworkers,...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Dress, Personality Tests & Cracking The Code Of "You"
I have a theory of my own about the dress that has recently swept the interwebs, only it isn't based on color or eye science...
Monday’s Meditation: On What To Do Vs. What To Learn
This classic Pema again and always. My dad has never let me off the psychological hook. "What should I say to her?" I'd ask...
Monday’s Meditation: On Getting Unstuck
Here's the post in which I turn a literal and finite event into an overarching metaphor for life. Yeehaw. This past week I was...
Monday’s Meditation: On Explaining Yourself…Or Not.
There's a fine line between being kind and being a jerk. Most of us seem to live in a state of constant paranoia about verging...
Monday’s Meditation: On "Acting As If"
When you're striving for a goal or when you're floundering, well meaning people are apt to advise you to "act as if." This phrase, while...
Monday’s Meditation: On Thoughts Into Reality, Reality Of Thought
The biggest mistake you might make in life is to consider that the only actions that matter--that shape your world-- are outer ones: words you...
Monday’s Meditation: On Martin Luther King Jr. & Property
There have been throughout history people whose perception of the world is remarkably clear--people who see things as they really are and speak the truth...
Monday's Meditation: On Doing It Because You Can
A properly functioning body is one of the most basic assumed expectations of being a human. Having grown up with a mom who has a...