Monday’s Meditation: On Following Your Calling
Here's a head's up: We need you to be your most excellent self. In fact, we're counting on it. Your life, your livelihood, and your...
Monday’s Meditation: On An Urgent Call To Action
I find my clients at very different mindsets. When we begin our work, some clients are reluctant, others nervous. Many regard the undertaking of simplifying...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Obvious Solution
Society ingrains within us the belief that identifying solutions for our problems is an arduous task. We are taught that to uncover the answers will...
Monday’s Meditation: On Kaizen
A couple of months ago, my sister was regaling me with her work chronicles, and she happened to mention the word Kaizen. It went something...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Decisive Element
I came across this quote this last week while sorting through a stack of papers with my client. We both read it over and then...
Monday’s Meditation: On Martin Luther King Jr.’s Creative Force
From a culture of hatred, Martin Luther King Jr. emerged. Spiritually attuned, eloquent in speech, he, like the great world shifters before him, rose above...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Quick Fix
In my experience, the quick fix nearly always ends up costing you more money, hassle, and stress than would have the version you actually needed...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Danger of Discounting Strangers
The speed at which our society moves can be overwhelming. In response, we've adopted an array of habits meant to--at least give us the impression...
New Year’s Meditation: On The Five Guiding Principles For A Great Year
2013 was such a grand old year, I'm almost sad to see it go. And yet, as always, there is the spectacular magic of the clean...