Monday’s Meditation: On The Question Of What Comes Next
When you date someone, everyone in your life eventually starts to bug you about whether or not you're going to get married. When you get...
Monday’s Meditation: On Simplifying Our Schedules
Most weeks I feel like I'm barely scraping by time-wise. The days are a blur of working out, working with clients, writing the blog, posting...
Monday’s Meditation: On Going About Our Business While A Dumpster Fire Rages
I've been thinking a lot lately about how strange it feels to be writing about organizing products and beautiful interiors when it seems that the...
Monday’s Meditation: On Making Each Other Wrong Vs. Making Room For Mistakes
All it takes is a scroll through the comment section of any large online platform to see that, along with becoming a (some might say...
Monday’s Meditations: On Rules, Habits & Motivations
We live by a series of rules. The rules of society. The rules of our families. And the rules we set for ourselves: I can't...
Monday’s Meditation: On Being Scared To Make A Decision (& Why You Don’t Need To Be)
There are no wrong decisions. I'll say that again: there are no wrong decisions. You cannot choose wrongly, because either way, you benefit. If you...
Monday’s Meditation: On What To Do When Your Loved Ones Irritate You
During a recent Goop podcast, (I say that like I'm well versed and up to date; it's the second one I've ever heard) Gwyneth was...
Monday’s Meditation: On Privilege & Perspective
There are families that have refrigerators with built-in water and ice spouts and there are those that don't. Mine was (is) the latter. Years ago,...
Monday’s Meditation: On Obligations To Others Vs. The Responsibility Of Caring For Ourselves
I was having a truly incredible conversation with one of my clients. He might have been a shaman in another life, or maybe he's yet...