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Monday’s Meditation: On Martin Luther King Jr.’s Creative Force
From a culture of hatred, Martin Luther King Jr. emerged. Spiritually attuned, eloquent in speech, he, like the great world shifters before him, rose above...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Quick Fix
In my experience, the quick fix nearly always ends up costing you more money, hassle, and stress than would have the version you actually needed...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Danger of Discounting Strangers
The speed at which our society moves can be overwhelming. In response, we've adopted an array of habits meant to--at least give us the impression...
New Year’s Meditation: On The Five Guiding Principles For A Great Year
2013 was such a grand old year, I'm almost sad to see it go. And yet, as always, there is the spectacular magic of the clean...
Top 5 Monday’s Meditations of 2013
One of the trends that circulates Blogland this time of year is to produce a list of the most popular posts of the year. It's...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Power of Gratitude
Gratitude is not merely a nice practice. Gratitude is a spiritual superpower, one lying latent within each of us waiting to be utilized, to transform....
Monday’s Meditation: On The One Gift We’re All Craving
Even as you scurry to and fro, from this store to that one, picking out presents for the people you love-- Even as you carefully...
Monday’s Meditation: On Why You Won’t Find Holiday Gift Guides On Live Simply
Tis the season for gift guides, and publications, bloggers, and practically anyone else with the means to put together a product collage in some format...
9 Verses For Thanksgiving
1. I have so much. 2. I will happily use the occasion of this day to focus my attention on the many things I have...