Monday’s Meditation: On What To Say When Everything Sucks
When you find yourself having made a giant mistake-- When you find yourself at the receiving end of someone else's careless oversight-- When you feel like you're...
Monday’s Meditation: On Safe Bets & Settling
Life would be really neat and tidy if the next best option always presented itself to us--before, that is, we'd gone and given up our...
Monday’s Meditation: On Being Alone
I had some time to myself this weekend for what felt like the first time in a long time, and, if I'm honest, despite how...
Monday’s Meditation: On A Little More All The Time
It's Memorial day here in the States, meaning that everyone is off having barbecues or remembering loved ones lost in service, or both, I guess....
Monday’s Meditation: On The Small Things
In my work, the small things are almost always equal in importance to the larger ones--if not more significant. In fact, I'm willing to argue...
Monday’s Meditation: On Comments & Criticism