Monday’s Meditation: On Dabbling Vs. Focus
Dabbling has become the thing to do. Around me, people are flitting from this to that, seemingly never content to stay still for long. Always,...
Monday’s Meditation: On Paying Attention To Who You Are Becoming
Despite the fact that the prospect of traveling doesn't completely thrill me, I nonetheless have a certain affinity for airports. In an airport, I feel,...
Monday’s Meditation: On Why You Shouldn’t Decide In Advance What Type You Are
It seems innocent enough: Which Sex And The City character are you? Are you a Charlotte, a Miranda, a Samantha, or a Carrie? Which FRIENDS...
Monday’s Meditation: On What You Need Today, 4/17
What do you need today? What words can I give you to help ease your mind, lighten your imagined burdens, and Simplify the way? Maybe...
Monday’s Meditation: On Why You Need To Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Don't stop because I told you to, or because now that I've mentioned it you've gone red in the face--guilty....
Monday’s Meditation: On Fitting In Vs. Changing The World
I watched a snippet of an interview of Oprah Winfrey over the weekend, in which Oprah was recounting how she got her start on...
Monday’s Meditation: On Safeguarding Your Wellbeing
Anyone who has experienced a moment of crisis knows that those colossal events have the power to bring everything to a crashing halt, demanding all...
Monday’s Meditation: On What Really Goes On Behind Closed Doors (I Know!)
Today's Meditation is piggybacking off of last week's, in which we discussed period blood. (If you missed it, you're likely finding yourself quite confused at...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Period Yogi And The Mistake Of Hating The Unfamiliar
Two weeks ago, a woman posted a video to her instagram account that has since gotten over half a million views. In the video, a...