Monday’s Meditation: On Moving To A New Place
Quite recently, you will recall, I moved from Michigan to Seattle. Having done so, I can confirm what you will you have guessed: moving across...
Monday’s Meditation: On Soulmates
I believe in soulmates. My conception of the term is not limited to the romantic or defined by a maximum or minimum: the one and...
Monday’s Meditation: On Endings and Beginnings
Today is the Jewish new year, and if that's not your bowl of Trix, then it's Monday. Both, as it turns out, qualify as beginnings; the...
Monday’s Meditation: On The Water’s Edge
Before last night I had today's whole post planned out in my mind. And then I found myself on an island in Washington, standing at...
Monday’s Mediation: On The Present Moment
This past weekend I found myself in Colorado, a place I'd never been before, with a family not my own, tired and slightly disheveled from...
Monday’s Meditation: On Growing from Small Beginnings
I have been thinking a lot lately about beginnings. As I get settled in a new place, as schools everywhere resume their lessons, as new...
Monday’s Meditation: On Giving and Receiving
I have inhabited the role of "giver" for much of my life. Circumstances have asked that of me, and along the way, have taught me...
Monday’s Meditation: On Validating Struggle
Like me, my dearest ones have led incredibly blessed lives. They "want for nothing" (though the grammatical accuracy of that phrase still puzzles me). On...
Monday’s Meditation: On Self-Worth
One of my beloveds came to me recently with a life dilemma that I felt was worth sharing. I shan't disclose the specifics because friendship....