Monday’s Meditation: On Your Board Of Directors
I had the pleasure of catching up with one of my clients this past weekend. During our talk, she introduced me to the concept of an internal board of directors, which I love so much I want to share with all of you.
According to my client, each one of us has a board of directors–a group of 5-7 voices (picture them sitting around a circular table in your mind) that guide and influence our decisions and being.
Everyone’s board of directors is different, naturally, and each one can be comprised of any of the hundreds of people who have passed through or impacted your life: your mom, your best friend, your great-granny, Oprah, Deepak Chopra, or Suze Orman.
Having a board of directors is critical, and having an awareness of who sits on said board, even more important.
These are the voices we are inviting into our mental spaces, after all. These are the opinions that are chiming in constantly on any number of issues, from what blouse to buy to whether or not you should dump that guy.
Relying on our instinct and having a successful board of directors are not mutually exclusive. Self-reliance is, in a way, enabled by the possession of successful, internal advisors.
We must take care when choosing our board of directors. And every so often, we need to reevaluate our board; have people wandered into those sacred seats without our active appointment? Are there board members who have overstayed their welcome? Whose voices may have been appropriate at one time that are no longer so?
According to my client, it’s often the case that board members will need to be retired after a while–given a hefty bonus, and sent on their way, to lounge on the beaches of Hawaii, let’s say.
Instead, we appoint new board members whose expertise is tailored to our current circumstances, whose voice more accurately aligns with our current outlook on life, and so on.
We select our board members based upon the answers to this question:
What is the message I need most right now, and who do I believe is going to offer me that message with as much love and tact as possible?
Or, just as good:
Who is going to help me be my best self?
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Annie, dear. You are very careful to credit the sources of the photos you use, but what about these evocative “ink blots” that often accompany your Monday Meditations?
My own creations!
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Annie, dear. You are very careful to credit the sources of the photos you use, but what about these evocative “ink blots” that often accompany your Monday Meditations?
My own creations!