Monday’s Meditation: On The Truth About Life Behind The “Seems”
Here is something which you already know and are always pretending you don’t:
You are just as flawed as everyone else.
You are just as perfectly imperfect as the rest of life around you.
I’m in a unique position to know this, see. Because I have constant access to the deepest, darkest, messiest parts of people’s lives.
Like a financial advisor or accountant, I know the details of people’s financial statuses. I help them sort papers that contain numbers that not even their parents know.
Like a therapist, I uncover, and bear witness to, family dynamics and personal struggles. I handle items that pertain to the way a family interacts and the way they spend their time.
Like a nutritionist, I’m aware of what people eat on a daily basis, the stuff that comprises their pantry. I know their guilty pleasures and their health goals.
I know more about the people I serve than likely any other single person they know, outside of, perhaps, their spouse. I happen to be in this strange and wonderful position that grants me access to every detail of a person’s life. Food, money, friends, kids, sex, loss, yearning, healing.
And I say all of this with the sole intention of establishing my credibility so that you’ll understand how informed I am, so that you’ll believe me when I tell you:
Everyone has issues.
Every single person is dealing (right now) with some challenge.
They’re striving and failing and perpetually oscillating between those two.
This isn’t meant to be a cathartic, schadenfreude-esque revelation, a “You can feel better about your own suck and shame because, hey, look, everybody else has it just as bad and probably worse!”
It’s just to throw out there, once again–because in our picture-perfect, comparison-ripe world, in which everyone seems to have it all together all the time, we need the reminder–that what unites us all is our humanity.
(Still!) We are all human.
You are not in your failings alone.
You are not lagging behind while the rest run at breakneck speed to boisterous applause.
You are not the only one for whom things are in flux, in transition, in chaos.
You are part of a miraculous group bound together forever in our collective humanity. And behind the scenes, off camera and other screens, we are all just human.
Striving, failing, and back again.
So you, sweet thing, are not the only one.
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Your words are an amazing gift when I needed them most, once again. Thank you for what you do.
I mean, YOUR words are the gift!!! Thank you for leaving them! xoxo
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Your words are an amazing gift when I needed them most, once again. Thank you for what you do.
I mean, YOUR words are the gift!!! Thank you for leaving them! xoxo