Monday’s Meditation: On What You Need Today, 8/17

August 28, 2017

Today marks the first day of my long-awaited summer vacation, so new posts are temporarily taking a hiatus, as well. You can expect fresh content beginning September 18th, and in the meantime, there’s always the blog archives, the insta-feed, and these reminders…

1. Your wellbeing is your responsibility to guard and protect.

2. There is no such thing as how it’s supposed to be. There is only how it is.

3. You’re allowed to change and evolve and so is everyone else in your life. The greatest gift we can give each other is the allowance to do so.

4. Truth is a sacred entity. Though it is becoming increasingly inconvenient to find, it is also becoming exponentially more valuable.

5. Feeling sorry for yourself deeply undermines your ability to hone courage and resourcefulness. Empowered, you are capable of rising to any challenge.

6. What weighs on you, weighs on you. But how long it does is up to you.

7. You must, you must, you must Simplify.

Leave a comment letting me know what topics you’d love to see covered on the blog in the coming months!

And until I return from my Grecian getaway, Live it really Simply.




  1. Elon on August 28, 2017 at 11:55 am

    Wishing you an awesome vacation! And while you’re gone, I will be enjoying your abundant archive. Thanks!

  2. Marika on August 29, 2017 at 3:43 pm

    I would be interested in posts about digital clutter and feeling overstimulated by the constant barrage of emails and texts. Thanks!

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  1. Elon on August 28, 2017 at 11:55 am

    Wishing you an awesome vacation! And while you’re gone, I will be enjoying your abundant archive. Thanks!

  2. Marika on August 29, 2017 at 3:43 pm

    I would be interested in posts about digital clutter and feeling overstimulated by the constant barrage of emails and texts. Thanks!

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