9 Fans To Keep You Looking & Feeling Cool This Summer
It's been rawther hot and heavy around here the past two days, and so when someone tweeted me a request for help finding non-ugly fans...
7 Canisters That Will Instantly Elevate Your Kitchen
I should be keeping count (only I'm too busy for collecting data) because I've done my fair share of kitchens this year. Big kitchens and...
6 Ingenious Invisible Bookshelves
Every time I come across invisible bookshelves at a client's I experience more intense adoration for their design. It isn't merely that they look cool...
8 Totally Great (Non-Ugly) Shoe Racks
If there's one thing people are perpetually in need of it's shoe racks. This is hardly because shoe racks are hard to come by; in...
8 Paper Sorters That Will Restore Your Sanity
Right up there with a shredder in terms of necessity is a mail sorting/incoming/ongoing paper system. Setting up a home or an office or a...
Organizing Product Favorites: March 2015
Here it is: the top-secret list of the 6 organizing products I've been buying in bulk and using to transform my client's spaces this month....