10 Host Gifts That Are Practically Guaranteed To Please (And Thank You)
The holiday hosting season is now un-officially officially underway. Dinner parties will be held and tablecloths will be unfurled and guest room closets will be emptied (or pushed to one corner).
And lovely, well-meaning guests will show up NOT empty-handed. They’ll come bearing candles that their hosts can’t stand the smell of, and platters that their hosts wouldn’t, and didn’t, select for themselves. They’ll bring beautifully wrapped bundles of hand soap and lotion, of specialty vinegars from recent trips, jars of homemade jam, and hot chocolate mix, and my goodness lord of seasoning, they will bring the salts. Truffle and vanilla-infused and rosemary. Salts from Italy and France and their local grocer down the street.
There is no travesty in gifting, even if it’s gifting an unnecessary or unwanted item. The sentiment is the thing, truly. But if we can avoid clutter-prone items, that would be preferable, we agree?
Well, in the spirit of hosting and gifting, and with my personal, firsthand experience of the items in people’s homes, the ones they want to keep, and the ones they forgot existed, I’ve put together my best suggestions for winning host and hostess gifts.
Naturally, there is no one size fits all. But in my experience, sticking to the following gifts is advisable:
1. Kitchen box set Dishes, but make it fashion. (Set Includes copper ball, beech wood dish brush, sponge, and cotton-linen tea towel.)
2. Magic silicone dishwashing gloves with scrubbers Because clean up is compulsory, and these are downright awesome.
3. Multipurpose Silicone Pot Holders, Trivets, Jar Openers, Spoon Rests Because in my experience, people’s hot pads and oven gloves are in the saddest possible state of affairs.
4. Baker stripe dish towels Ditto the above explanation, but substitute dish towels for hot pads and oven gloves.
5. Copper watering can Because people are out here watering their plants with the jenkiest possible vessels, which are desperately in need of being upgraded. (Pair with plant, like orchid, or basil.)
6. “The Martini” Emotional Detox bath soak Because holiday hosting = stress, man.
7. Himalayan salt mortar and pestle Because gifting salts makes sense, but has been thoroughly exhausted.
8. gold chip clips Because not every one decants every possible pantry item into a canister, and the standard chip clips in people’s rotation are as depressingly pedestrian as they come. (Throw in a bag or two of a treat for which you know your host has a penchant.)
9. French kitchen marble lazy susan Because marble goes with every thing, and lazy susans are always a good idea.
10. Sweeper and funnel dustpan Because elevated cleaning instruments are things people rarely splurge on for themselves, but are very often happy to receive. (Because who doesn’t want a lovelier version of a broom and dustpan??)
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