Organizing Children’s Books & 10 Important Reads for Kids
Oh hey, oh heyyy. My monthly post is up over on MPMK. We're talking Organizing Children's Books so get your buns over there. As an addendum,...
Children’s Armoire Closet, An Easy Storage Solution
You have a kid, and then you have to get storage, so says the golden rule. Or something. It's not uncommon for the closet in...
The Homework Spot
Doesn't this time of year make you think of You've Got Mail, which in turn makes you think of bouquets of sharpened pencils and such?...
Packed Lunch Essential Products
Today, as promised, serves as a follow up to yesterday's post: 5 Tips For Painless Lunch Packing. Now that the groundwork has been laid, we...
5 Tips For Painless Lunch Packing
Whether you're boarding the back-to-school boat or slipping onto the return-to-routine ship, chances are the matter of packed lunches is looming large for you. The...
Chic Toy Storage Sources
Taking inspiration from yesterday's post, today I shall attempt to provide you with some tangible toy storage suggestions. 1. Rugby Stripe Bin // 2. Triangle Basket // 3. Wool-Blend Two-Tone Basket //...
Chic Toy Storage
All the mamas, it seems, are in major nesting mode, or at least all the mamas who read Live Simply are; I've had many requests...
Client Project: Girl’s Closet Organization
Happy Tuesday, hey! Here's a recent client project comin' atchya. The setting: girl's closet. The state: not all together tragic, but certainly in need of...