J’Adoor: 8 Mats That’ll Make Your Front Entry Look Fabulously Fresh
I was recently reading a bit about feng shui, which, admittedly, I know next to nothing about (and still wouldn’t voluntarily elect to say out loud for fear of incorrect pronunciation) when I stumbled upon a section devoted to the presentation of the front door.
As the “mouth of the chi,” the front door is apparently the point through which the entire house receives its energy, and thus, its appearance and situation has a drastic effect on wealth and prosperity of a home’s inhabitants.
Basically, the front entry to a house is impactful, as it sets the tone. (This is why I have always advocated for an efficient and beautifully organized entryway, since the way you behave with your belongings upon first stepping foot in your house will determine what follows past that point.)
Whatever (now lost into the vastness of the internet) article I was reading instructed that “your front door should look perfect.”
I hadn’t really checked mine out in a while, but I had a feeling it wasn’t that. I mean, there had been that day a couple weeks prior when I had been standing on the porch chatting with a friend and noticed him looking up and noticing a whole mess of spiders and webs maxing and relaxing on the ceiling of the overhang.
Wanting very much to support my own wealth and prosperity, I got out the hose and the outdoor cleaner. I scraped the sure-to-be-poverty-inflicting remnants of a UPS pick-up confirmation sticker from the door. I brought a planter down from the roof, and bought a new lovely, living green thing to stick inside it. My door was looking money, and I was feeling the chi flowing in like never before.
Until City rolled up and said, “Hey Annie, our doormats looking nasty AF. I think it’s time for a new one, yeah?” I looked down, actually taking stock of the poor, pathetic mat whose pattern had long since been brushed and stomped away. “Ah, man; total shui-killer.” Before bowing my head in respect to the chi-gods and hurrying to laptop as if my whole life’s prosperity depended upon it.
In conclusion: consider this a reminder to take stock of the state of your own front entry. To power wash the algae, and sweep the concrete, and weed the plants. And because in all likelihood, yours is as sad as mine, treat yourself and home to a fresh doormat. Do it for the optimal chi.
7. Chilewich black and white stripe mat
8. Chilewich striped shag indoor/outdoor mat
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