Storage That Lets You ‘Put A Lid On It’
The credit for today's post goes entirely to my client, who independently elected to replace the large floor basket filled with stuffed animals in her...
10 Totally Brilliant Ways To Organize Legos
For all the playrooms and children's bedrooms I've edited and organized, it hasn't been until recently that the Lego issue finally reared its interlocking part....
How To Avoid Your Home Becoming A Large Toy Parking Lot
Today's post is one for the procreators of the world, those souls who bring another into the world and then find themselves unwittingly having also...
Simplify Outdoor Toy Storage
It has most certainly reached that time of year when parents can, in good conscious, ban their children from being indoors for whole hours at...
Weekend Assignment: Edit & Organize Kids’ Artwork
You might be wondering why I'd prescribe the assignment of editing and organizing kid's artwork now, as opposed to any other time of year, say,...
Your No Fail System For Keeping Kid’s Artwork Under Control
The school year is officially underway, and what's also official is that if you don't solidify a plan for managing all your kid's artwork, you...
1-2-3 Live Simply! A Little Boy’s Closet Gets A Makeover
Happy Tuesday folks. Today I've got a little closet makeover coming your way, of the wee babe variety. Let it be a testament to a....