9 Of The Best Looking Storage Beds
Let’s just acknowledge the obvious, which is that combining sleepland with storage is not sexy. In fact, it’s more like a last resort, an option that should be utilized only when spatial constraints are a very real thing.
If you have a reasonable amount of living space at your disposal, and you’re still finding yourself stowing things under your bed, chances are that you, my friend, need to go back to the editing-board.
But for people who essentially have no other choice but to make use of any and all space available to them, all eyes inevitably turn to the sleeping surface. Aside from the Mastiff or Newfoundland you may own, your bed is probably the biggest entity in your home. And when that home is little, it starts to seem silly not to inject some dual–make that third–purpose to a bed.
There are certainly options for tidily stowing things beneath your bed (we’ll get to that in a minute or a week). But if you’ve reached a point in life where underbed storage options feel too temporary a solution, or too–shudder–college; if you see yourself living in roughly the same circumstances for the next chunk of time (i.e. in a big city where apartments are commonly scant on space) then selecting a bed with a built-in storage component might be the most strategic, grownupest, domestic decision you can possibly make.
Oh, hey, look; here’s some now!
2. Lorraine Tufted Low Headboard & Platform Storage Bed Set
3. Fallon Upholstered Headboard & Platform Storage Bed
5. Stratton Storage Platform Bed With Drawers
8. Topside Kids Storage Bed (psst: this bed is a winner in my experience and featured in a past favorites post!)
9. Gemma Platform Storage Bed, Twin
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[…] week we talked about the small space solution that is a storage bed. Storage beds are ideal for those people who anticipate themselves residing in close quarters for […]
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[…] week we talked about the small space solution that is a storage bed. Storage beds are ideal for those people who anticipate themselves residing in close quarters for […]