Spotlight On A White-Filled, Warmly Accented Coastal Home (Design by Mindy Gayer)
Picture it: a young family buys a home that’s desperately in need of a facelift. Who do they call? Mindy Gayer is who.
Based out of Orange County, California, Mindy Gayer is seemingly an expert at transforming tired out homes into charming, freshly inspired, classic spaces. Under her guidance, the home below received a thorough interior renovation, including custom millwork, new lighting, updated furnishings, carefully selected accessories, and beyond. In a phrase, she drabbed-to-fabbed it.
What I admire most about Gayer’s aesthetic is that it ticks both boxes: clean, airy, and bright, and warm, organic, and natural. A white room filled only with brown, midcentury, spindly furniture just isn’t my cup of tea, but neither is a space that’s overwhelmingly vanilla, or overly shiny. Mindy marries the wood and the shine. In her world, rope speaks directly to marble, cold stainless steel converses with oversized orb pendants.
[When I did a search of my blog archives to see whether or not I had featured the work of Mindy Gayer before, I was wholly expecting at least one post to pop up. (You can recognize your own preferences, you know?) I was genuinely surprised to find not a one. This feels somewhat overdue.]
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