Spotlight On Erin Gates Design
In the who’s who of interior bloggers, Erin Gates reigns among the supremest. She’s been at it for Years with a capital Y, with her blog Elements Of Style, for one, and for two, which is to say “for me,” her candidness garners her respect.
While other big time bloggers are content to remain unobjectionable first and foremost, Erin isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She does so regularly on such vital matters as red carpet fashion and interior trends she’s sick to death of, and is as frank when discussing infertility, motherhood, and even (dun, dun, dun…) the blogger death trap known as Anything Political.
She is, in addition to a loyal blogger, a proper interior designer, and when I caught sight of the most recent Erin Gates Design project, I Simply had to share.
Unapologetically feminine (my favorite kind), the timeless-traditional condo has all the trappings of a Lady Paradise.
Peep the place below:
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