Spotlight On Murphy & Co’s "Time-Honored Modern" Kitchen Design
Colorful, kitchen cabinetry has solidly established itself as being at the epicenter of design trends and it’s no surprise why. In a modern, fresh kitchen a hit of sage green, cool mint, navy blue and even black seems to up the sophistication factor of the space. Gone is any potential predictability that an all-white room might possess, and in its place is the right sort of moodiness, or boldness, or patina.
It dawns on me now that, were I to be faced with such a design dilemma, I would likely experience a kind of decision-paralysis from which I might not recover. Don’t go trying to pry my love of a light-colored kitchen from my cold, dead, lifeless digits, because I shall hold fast from the afterlife OR more color, more sophistication, more designed–DON’T make me choose.
And then here comes Murphy & Co, riding in with their You Can Have It Both Ways Parade.
You want bright, light, white? You got it. You want color? You got that, too. One big scoop of Halfsies coming right up.
And they keep right on serving it up throughout the house…
So now I want to know: where does your heart truly lie? Right side? Left side? Or right down the middle?
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I’m mostly a left sided girl…but oh how nice that color would be!
In our kitchen remodel, we are using Patagonia granite on the counters, painting island a beautiful black and a light color on the other cabinets. Will use brass accented light fixture over island and brass cabinet pulls. There is a large window above the sink and 2 patio doors with 3 pane glass, so the kitchen gets a lot of natural light. We had carrera marble in our previous house and are excited to do something different.
What color is this blue? It is beautiful.
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I’m mostly a left sided girl…but oh how nice that color would be!
In our kitchen remodel, we are using Patagonia granite on the counters, painting island a beautiful black and a light color on the other cabinets. Will use brass accented light fixture over island and brass cabinet pulls. There is a large window above the sink and 2 patio doors with 3 pane glass, so the kitchen gets a lot of natural light. We had carrera marble in our previous house and are excited to do something different.
What color is this blue? It is beautiful.