Spotlight on Yvonne McFadden
In an effort to embrace the autumnal spirit, this week I bought two medium-sized pumpkins. That helped minimally, and this post: much more.
Yvonne McFadden is a designer based in Georgia, and her work suggests a certain rugged lake house effect that manages to rather perfectly channel the fall festivities. It’s all very pack up your vintage Jeep Grand Wagoneer, your coordinating-outfitted brood, and your cups of hot cocoa for a little weekend escape a la the Hilfiger ads circa a couple of years ago.
See what I mean? Dig those wood beams, those big steel windows– and that opposing the glamorous, pretty furniture and decor.
Here, McFadden injects a certain aged quality–there’s something quite European monastery about it all, as if I have any idea what a European monastery looks like. I do know one thing: if they possess the regal dining chairs with nailhead detailing happening below I’m on board.
But forget the monk-life (convent? nuns?). This next home is all about refined, effortless glamour. It reeks of the overnight guests which might be invited, the fabulous dinner gatherings that might be held, the miniature cupcakes which might be eaten by the marble countertops.
This kitchen featured back in A Post in Contrasts, and I must say it’s just as pee-in-the-pants- excitement-inducing as it was then. Really, just stop it, Yvonne.
I do believe this is where we all ought to have our thanksgiving dinners–
And this where we shall gather thereafter, drinking hot apple cider, laughing for hours on end with the people whom we prefer best in the world, and thinking how lucky we are to be in the presence of a herringbone fireplace because really, what’s better than that?
I now pronounce us people and autumn. We may kiss the trees.
And that’s that for this week. Come back next week for another thrill ride through Live Simplytown, with topics such as: The Treachery of the Wire Hanger, The Most Amazing Organizing Thing Ever, In The History Of The World, and: The Oft-Overlooked Importance of the Extra Long Ice Cream Spoon.
Spread that Simple love.
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