Spotlight On Shop Sweet Things // Nanette Wong
Happy Thursday ______ !
You know, something I think it’s time we address: I feel I should have something I call you all. Officially. “Readers” is dull and non-particular and guys/homies/peanut butter sweet treats can only be used that many times before it starts to feel repetitive. I mean, Justin Bieber has his beliebers and other people have their other things and I think we need one too.
No seriously. I need ideas. I give you a lot. It’s time to repay the favor here.
And I apparently feel satisfied with that text above serving as an opening to this next bit. Interesting. Summer brain. Is that a thing?
The apartment of Jeanne Chan, curator and creator of the blog Shop Sweet Things, captured by Nanette Wong–that’s what’s on tap for today.
I’m drawn to interiors for any number of reasons, and the one which spoke to me when I stumbled upon this space was its accessibility. There’s a time and a place for high clahss designs that stun the eyeballs and convince you recreation is a laughable notion at best. And there’s a time for what feels like exceptionally well-done real life designs.
Chan’s home is real life, but it’s elevated by way of statement-grabbing pieces and stupidly good styling skills. It’s subtly whimsical and totally charming and just sophisticated enough.
Plus, the sofa.
Jeanne just won at navy sofas.
This little vignette is almost enough to make you head straight over to Barnes and Noble in search of pastel covers with near complete disregard as to the actual reading material. Just find the right colored spines damnit.
Are you catching on to that whole master of styling thing yet?
The bedrooms are light and airy and just lush enough.
And a tulip in the loo to close this tour out.
Wishing all those of you in the U.S. a 4th of July for the books. The pastel covered ones. Still.
And to everyone everywhere else: Life is great. Laugh it up. Live it Simply. Labradoodles.
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Happy Thursday simplicity devotees! has a nice ring to it, if you ask me… and you did!
Loving the light blue throughout this home.
Live Simply Life Simplifiers?!
Love the sofa – where is it from?
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There’s framed art on the door! Let’s talk more about that daring business.
Love the blue bed! How about just ” Happy Thrusday fine people!” Or “cheery people”, or something more sophisticated as ” mes amis”?
Thanks for sharing! xoxo, Nanette
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Happy Thursday simplicity devotees! has a nice ring to it, if you ask me… and you did!
Loving the light blue throughout this home.
Live Simply Life Simplifiers?!
Love the sofa – where is it from?
Live Simplians?
There’s framed art on the door! Let’s talk more about that daring business.
Love the blue bed! How about just ” Happy Thrusday fine people!” Or “cheery people”, or something more sophisticated as ” mes amis”?
Thanks for sharing! xoxo, Nanette