Spotlight on Amory Brown
Amory Brown, (not to be confused with Molton Brown, the cosmetics line oft featured in hotels, (not to be confused with Alton Brown the token odd-ball cooking scientist of the Food Network when last I tuned in seven years ago)), is an interior design firm based out of London and today they are here to quell any lingering case of the turkey-tummy (of which I actually have no knowledge, but, fine print). And if you keep reading I might even try to limit my sentences to just four lines.
So Amory Brown, the Design Firm, then.
Lucy Heathcoat Amory and Hannah Brown are the two Brits behind A.B., and what they’re good at doing evidently is putting their last names together into one, and also at marrying modern and vintage influences in design. The result are spaces that feel every bit contemporary, while somehow magically also communicating the glamour and debonaire of the 20’s and 30’s. It’s sort of like, Jay Gatsby didn’t bite it, ditched the Daisy dream, and then decided smartly to downsize from his estate on the water to a modest sized condo in London.
It starts off with this:
You see a doorway like that and you think, “that doorway is doing positively everything it could be doing.” The fresh white paint of the exterior walls, the stately planter, and that black lacquer door–personally, I am wholly satisfied with its offerings. God, the Europeans do those big, brass, middle-of-the-door knobs so damn well.
Probably though what got my attention in the first place was this:
Because while I can spin Live Simply miracles in the unlikeliest of places, it sure as hell helps when the spatial setup is perfectly attuned to organization. Don’t you hear those upper cubbies just calling out for your handbags? Closets like those are the organizational equivalent to a paint by numbers. Even a dummy can make a masterpiece.
Amory Brown must also be given due props for its suspending my dislike of red. For, despite myself, I find this children’s cranny utterly charming. (For a good couple seconds after I typed that I wondered whether cranny was an actual word or one I had invented on the spot. Absent the nook though, you know?)
Floor to ceiling built-in bookshelves are almost a guaranteed hit with me, and the fact that these particular ones are accented ever so slightly with decorative elements is a bonus.
This kitchen is the perfect example of A.B.’s ability to meld modern with retro and I wish I had the design sense necessary to accurately articulate why, but, do you see it?
The next kitchen is decidedly more modern in feel, but then there are the window coverings to consider, and the lemons. Because lemons are always changing things and I can’t name a time when it hasn’t been for the better.
Finally, a bath that is just deliciously serene.
That there is the week on Live Simply. Thank you–truly–for reading and commenting; it fills me with crazy amounts of joy.
Wishing you all weekends of relaxation, of reveling in the things that make your heart sing, and of never having to pick up dirty earwax covered Q-tips that aren’t your own, because few things are more icky.
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Not to be confused with Amory Blaine, F.Scott’s lovestruck protagonist…
Oh my gosh I almost included that!!!
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Not to be confused with Amory Blaine, F.Scott’s lovestruck protagonist…
Oh my gosh I almost included that!!!