Live Simply in 2019, January Mantra: Begin Now
Begin now.
Begin today because today is all we know for certain. Because tomorrow you will wish you had begun today.
Begin now if the urge strikes, if the curiosity has bloomed, because the moment it does is the best moment to move into action.
Begin now if you are ready enough to answer the wondering “what if?”
Begin now, even if all you can manage is a baby step forward, a tiny tweak in behavior, a google search. (Every big goal is achieved through small, seemingly innocuous daily action, remember.)
Begin now because you can. Do it for everyone who can’t. The people who aren’t brave enough, or hungry enough, or healthy enough. Do it for the people who haven’t had the privileges you’ve had. Begin today to be the path-paver, the living example.
Begin now to live by your values.
Begin now to make space for the unknown blessings that are already on their way to you.
Begin now to see that every problem or obstacle in your way might actually be an invitation for gratitude.
Begin now to focus on what really matters, and to find reasons to feel good.
Begin now because this moment is the perfect one to draw a line between “how I used to be,” “what I used to tolerate,” and “what I used to drag around with me unnecessarily,” and “who I am striving to be now,” “What I stand for now,” and “what I am choosing to invite into my space and my life going forward.”
Begin now because even if you fail wildly, and you go down on your butt like a skating neophyte on ice, your having tried will earn you the confidence that plies you back up.
Begin now because if all those other shmageggies can do it, why can’t you?! Look at that guy, I mean really.
Begin now because it’s never too late, and you’re never too old, and time, though it keeps on passing, is always equally full of possibility.
The time for waiting, putting up with, acting out of obligation, living fearfully, is over the moment you begin.
So begin.
Programming note: Some of you might have noticed that it got awful quiet around here in the month of December. Turns out it’s been nearly a month since my last post, which is the longest, by far and away, that I’ve ever gone without posting since this blog’s inception, 179 years ago.
I sincerely apologize to anyone who felt ghosted. The truth is that there’s been a lot going on behind the scenes; figuring out how to grow my business, figure out where my resources are best spent, not to mention overhaul the entire site (ridiculously long overdue). All of this is wonderful, and has meant, and will likely continue to mean, that the blog is quieter than normal.
I promise to keep you up to date, and, and am sincerely grateful for your patience in the meantime.
All my love and happy new year wishes,
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Thank you for such an inspirational post, your blog is definitely one of my favourites! Wishing you a happy New Year!
You are a beautiful, intelligent human and I love you.
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Thank you for such an inspirational post, your blog is definitely one of my favourites! Wishing you a happy New Year!
You are a beautiful, intelligent human and I love you.