Monday’s Meditation: On What I Will Miss

July 8, 2013

In her book “I Remember Nothing,” Nora Ephron shares her list of what she will miss. Here’s my version.

What I will Miss:

My family

People who are my heart


The feeling of clean hair

Twirling my hair

Clean Sheet Night

The smell of laundry fresh from the dryer

Crisp, sweet watermelon and corn in the summer

Soy lattes all year round

Always coffee

The smell of coffee in the morning

My morning bowl of oatmeal


The occasional and ferocious thunderstorm

Really crunchy apples with organic peanut butter forever

Ice cold seltzer

Every dessert


The concept of books

The smells of books right in the middle if you sniff your nose in close


The Great Gatsby

Favorite blue jeans

White shirts



Going for walks

The smell of my favorite candle and perfume and hair stuff

Blueberry muffins

The concept of blueberry muffins and baking them

Discovering special boutique shops with loads of lovely things for sale

My memories from childhood

The joy of children


The feeling of being helpful in, and bringing calm to, stressful situations

Standing at the water’s edge

Surprising people with unexpected gifts

Watching movies

Watching Grace Kelly in movies

Inside jokes and sayings and saying them to each other

Really good hugs


Image credits: top row: (left to right) V.K. Rees Photography Annalise Sandberg, Martha Stewart, bottom row: ChatelaineRue MagazineLukas Kozmus

(What’s on your list?)




  1. corakimi on July 8, 2013 at 1:15 pm

    Mexican hot chocolate, everyone dancing & not one person standing still, Bing Crosby singing Christmas carols, cold pillows, Erik Satie, A Moveable Feast, being in water, orchids, antique shops and hoping I’ll find something with magic, warm French bread & butter, stand-up paddle-boarding, bookshops & libraries, jasmine tea, dusk, the sound of rain.

    • livesimplybyannie on July 8, 2013 at 4:29 pm

      Love that!!! Thanks for adding 🙂

  2. Serena Faber Nelson (@Pretty_Fluffy) on July 8, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    I love this Annie!

    I’d have to say my dog, animals in general (especially red pandas), stationery, my friends, my husband, driving with the stereo up, pink peonies, the smell of rain, hot chocolate fudge, freshly washed sheets, movie nights, that feeling when you finish a piece of writing, hugs, live musical theatre, travel and the sound of the ocean.

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  1. corakimi on July 8, 2013 at 1:15 pm

    Mexican hot chocolate, everyone dancing & not one person standing still, Bing Crosby singing Christmas carols, cold pillows, Erik Satie, A Moveable Feast, being in water, orchids, antique shops and hoping I’ll find something with magic, warm French bread & butter, stand-up paddle-boarding, bookshops & libraries, jasmine tea, dusk, the sound of rain.

    • livesimplybyannie on July 8, 2013 at 4:29 pm

      Love that!!! Thanks for adding 🙂

  2. Serena Faber Nelson (@Pretty_Fluffy) on July 8, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    I love this Annie!

    I’d have to say my dog, animals in general (especially red pandas), stationery, my friends, my husband, driving with the stereo up, pink peonies, the smell of rain, hot chocolate fudge, freshly washed sheets, movie nights, that feeling when you finish a piece of writing, hugs, live musical theatre, travel and the sound of the ocean.

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