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What Your Stuff Says About You
Material belongings help to contribute to our overall identity. We feel certain things are validated about ourselves by owning various items, and we hope various...
5 Ways To Make Your Space Feel Like New Affordably (If Not For Free!)
Let's say you're feeling that January itch, you know the one that craves a noticeable and rather immediate change? Your clothes seem completely unappealing and...
5 Steps To End Your Procrastination Streak And Accomplish Your Goals
If ever there was a time for most people to feel motivated enough to finally attend to those long-delayed projects or goals it's now. I...
Top 5 Organizational Strategy Posts Of 2014
Have you heard? We're currently counting down Live Simply readers' favorite posts of the past year! These top-read posts are chock full of strategies to...
The Best Time To Start A New Project
Our society's extreme emphasis on the new year as the official commencement point for all personal growth is complicated to say the least. Promising to...
Be A Better Declutter With These 3 Phrases
It turns out that, when faced with the prospect of editing the contents of their lives, the emotional reactions people experience are not unique on...
Weekend Assignment: 30+ Ways To Make Someone’s Day
This weekend's assignment is vaguer than previous ones have been, but you know: kindness is always called for. I'm considering it apt homework for all...
The 7 Presents Practically Guaranteed To Please Everyone On Your List
Last year I decided against gift guides all together. This year, I've decided to participate, but in a slightly unique way (unique is the LS...