What Do You Need To Live Simply This Summer?

June 20, 2017

Like everything else, the way to a relaxing (read: stress-free) summer is paved by the measures of preparedness one takes.

Nothing about summer needs to inherently be complicated. If done right, summer, in my mind, should be Simple. And with a bit of foresight into the main activities yours will be comprised of, the material belongings relating to said activities, and systems needed to support those items, you can ensure yours runs as smoothly as possible.

From a GPS-capable smart suitcase to a wet sac into which you can deposit sopping wet suits, I’ve got you covered to fulfill the goal of your most organized summer.

summer organizing essentials, from a GPS-capable smart suitcase, to a sac for sopping wet suits.

1. If you need help corralling water toys and wet towels, this post is for you.


summer organizing essentials, from a GPS-capable smart suitcase, to a sac for sopping wet suits.

2. If you fan-cy something to cool you off without burning hole through your retinas thanks to by way of its thankless appearance, you’ll be pleased to know this resource was created just for you.


summer organizing essentials, from a GPS-capable smart suitcase, to a sac for sopping wet suits.

3. If you’re going to be doing a fair amount of park-going, snack-toting, and swimming, these 9 items might just save your sanity this summer.


summer organizing essentials, from a GPS-capable smart suitcase, to a sac for sopping wet suits.

4. If you’re hoping to add “ultra savvy traveler” to your resume this summer, consider adding these tech tools to your arsenal.


(Summer Simply by Annie.)

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