The Roadmap To A Perfectly Organized Playroom
Most patterns in life emerge by happenstance, or, at least, without conscious thought. After all, you don’t plan to date the same loser four times in a row, or take the wrong job six times in a calendar year.
So it was with me and playroom storage.
I didn’t mean to recreate the (almost) identical set up many households over–at first. Rather, the playroom pattern began naturally, with the certain storage units being inevitably most applicable based on dimensions, style, and price point.
It goes like this: client has children. Children have toys. Parent has no place for child to put toys. Child has no place to put toys. Chaos ensues.
Enter Annie, intent on implementing an infrastructure for organization where there is, quite literally, none to speak of. None like this:
And this:
And this:
Let’s review, I say. We can’t expect the darlings to put their precious things away if there is no where to put them.
Right, of course. They nod emphatically.
We need a system. I state.
A system. Yes. Please. Let’s get it now. This minute.
A plentitude of options presented, the selections from Pottery Barn Kids rise to the top. Every time.
-For the style-conscious household they are attractive enough.
-For the parents who have outgrown IKEA, they aren’t that.
-There are plenty of different combinations to suit every room’s layout and every kind of plaything.
-And if they aren’t ideal as a pre-packaged set, the entire operation is modular, which means you can pick and choose to your heart’s content.
-They are the perfect balance of sturdy construction and fine kid, I won’t banish you for having done an errant scribble on the side of that cabinet. You wild thing.
-The price point, all told, is reasonable.
The talk then turns to bins and baskets, which, first and foremost, must be sized proportionally to the furniture pieces.
And that, friends, is where The Land of Nod enters the equation.
Listen, I don’t mean this to feel so calculated, or cookie cutter. Only, here’s the roadmap, and following that’s easy. And if you have lots of spare time to source one of a kind toy storage bins for your kid’s polly pockets then, I dunno, maybe you’re doing it wrong? Or, at least, you are in the minority.
Now here’s why Nod-Land gets the vote: they gots all the real cute goods. Plus, they hit that same reasonable, but just a little bit nicer than not nice, price point and quality standard.
Question the 17th is who doesn’t love some stripes or solid colors?
Finally, one needs to label those bins or baskets.
And chalk tags around this town are still coming in hot.
Ready to see double (and by double I mean x4)? The proof is in the playrooms, so the expression goes. (Excuse the unsightly image quality to follow.)
If you, sweet parent, are in need of a playroom set up, please–stop being lost in the dark. Follow this roadmap it’s so easy your child’s blind hamster could do it.
1. Cameron wall storage system // Cameron toddler wall system + Stripes around the cube bin + mini chalkboard labels + chalk marker = beautifully organized playroom
2. Preston Wall System // Preston art storage wall + Metal locker baskets + Bin clip labels in black // silver + chalk marker = beautifully organized playroom
3. Cameron low storage system with open bases + Strapping cube bin + chalk tags = beautifully organized playroom
(Although hamsters could be really intelligent? The one I babysat one school break for my elementary school class escaped through the lid of its cage, crawled into the heating vent, and spent a number of days scurrying around inside my family’s walls, mystifying us all (neighbor kids called in to join the hunt) for days upon days (and by days I mean nights because those creatures are nocturnal as shit.) The end.
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