The Ideal House Feature: Ingeniously Positioned, Completely Disguised Electrical Outlets

March 1, 2017

If we could build the perfect room from scratch, what would it look like? What features would it contain? Let’s have ourselves a little daydream…


We are very, very grateful for our electricity, aren’t we?

We certainly do not take it for granted that we can plug in a hot tool and–presto!–have curls, or that we can turn on our espresso machine with one magic button every morning.

What blessed lives we lead!

Only, you know…if you give a human electricity…we’ll tell you we hate the unsightly look of cords dangling every which way. We’ll complain about how unfortunate it is that we have to ogle our outlets, or that we have to stretch cords across great expanses of countertop in order to reach the power source.

If only there was a way to make this incredible privilege and its accoutrements more beautiful, more lovely, more like they, well, didn’t exist whatsoever! Yeah, we’re a strange old bunch, huh?

These are some first-rate first-world design solutions coming at you.

Heading off with: outlets that disappear into the surrounding material. Marble backsplash, meet marble outlets!

Ingeniously positioned, completely disguised electrical outlets.

Image credit: Obumex


Material-matching or not, I have to say that the flat outlet is hugely more visually appealing than the normal centimeter-protruding ones.

Ingeniously positioned, completely disguised electrical outlets.

Image credit: Trufig


But maybe the look of your outlets isn’t so much a concern as the strategic placement of power sources. Consider then, my friends, that an electrician can basically install these things anywhere besides inside your eyeballs. (?)

Ingeniously positioned, completely disguised electrical outlets.

Image credit: ROM architecture studio


These charging holders combined with the under-cabinet outlets are semi-revolutionary, and I’m tending to think we should all get involved in this concept.
Ingeniously positioned, completely disguised electrical outlets.

Image credit: Legrand


Prime outlet positioning in the bathroom might look like this:

Ingeniously positioned, completely disguised electrical outlets.

Image credit: Bliss At Home


Okay, but wait, do you know about pop-out outlets or am I the last to find out?

Ingeniously positioned, completely disguised electrical outlets.

Image credit: Legrand


Ingeniously positioned, completely disguised electrical outlets.

Image credit: D2 Interiors 


And if all else fails, make the outlet a purposeful spectacle, rather than a design feature we wish wasn’t there.

Ingeniously positioned, completely disguised electrical outlets.

Image credit: Legrand

This post wasn’t the least bit helpful, but maybe one of you weirdos will appreciate my weird.





  1. Kelly on March 1, 2017 at 5:28 am

    The post was very helpful. I am in design process of building a house. I can incorporate these ideas and had not seen many of them. So, thank you!

    • Annie on March 1, 2017 at 3:07 pm

      Well, that single comment just validated this post and more! Thanks for saying so, Kelly!!

  2. Nicole on March 1, 2017 at 5:28 am

    Absolutely genius! Fab post 🙂 Plugs can be so unsightly!

    • Annie on March 1, 2017 at 3:07 pm

      Thank goodness someone else out there understands! 😉

  3. Louisa on April 9, 2017 at 1:19 pm

    Its one of my biggest bugbears – in my kitchen, the sockets have been placed halfway up the walls! You’ve given me some ideas to hide the little monsters! Thankyou

  4. Renee on April 17, 2017 at 7:42 pm

    I LOVE your ideas! I’m remodeling my home and haven’t gotten to the baths or kitchen yet. This is going on my “Must have” list!
    Please tell me where they are available?
    Are these at specialty stores only?

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  1. Kelly on March 1, 2017 at 5:28 am

    The post was very helpful. I am in design process of building a house. I can incorporate these ideas and had not seen many of them. So, thank you!

    • Annie on March 1, 2017 at 3:07 pm

      Well, that single comment just validated this post and more! Thanks for saying so, Kelly!!

  2. Nicole on March 1, 2017 at 5:28 am

    Absolutely genius! Fab post 🙂 Plugs can be so unsightly!

    • Annie on March 1, 2017 at 3:07 pm

      Thank goodness someone else out there understands! 😉

  3. Louisa on April 9, 2017 at 1:19 pm

    Its one of my biggest bugbears – in my kitchen, the sockets have been placed halfway up the walls! You’ve given me some ideas to hide the little monsters! Thankyou

  4. Renee on April 17, 2017 at 7:42 pm

    I LOVE your ideas! I’m remodeling my home and haven’t gotten to the baths or kitchen yet. This is going on my “Must have” list!
    Please tell me where they are available?
    Are these at specialty stores only?

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