Space Saver Extraordinare: The Murphy Bed
For centuries, humans were unable to marry beds and compaction. Try as they might, the people were stymied at how to ensure they were provided with the requisite lumbar support of a full and sturdy mattress while not sacrificing the sacred space that boat would encompass. Stymied, that is, until one forward-thinking and hopeless romantic/ hornypants inventor named William Lawrence Murphy burst onto the scene.
Says the Smithsonian, (and really, who are any of us to question their sources) W.L. Murphy was living in one room apartment in San Francisco in the late 19th century. The less-than-expansive accommodations boded quite poorly for Murphy where the bitties were concerned; customs (a thing which ladies and gentlemans used to adhere to- since, like, deceased, mostly) forbid a woman from entering a man’s bedroom. As Willy’s entire living quarters were ostensibly his bedroom, he was out of luck.
When Sir Murphy drew a liking to a young opera singer, he knew he’d have to put his inventor mind to work for him, lest he wind up an old maid. Refusing to take prudish tradition for an answer, the clever gent began experimenting with ways to hide away his bed during visiting hours with his lady friend. And thus, The Murphy Bed was born.

The original intent of this post was simply to say, “Hey! Those Murphy beds! Check those out! So space-effecient! So sneaky! So trick-up-your-cabinet-sleeve-y!” But after further thought on the matter, I concluded that it felt only fair to give The Mr. Murphy his share of the spotlight. And so the backstory became the focal point– a fact which I am all together content with.
Story aside, these truly are a first-rate innovation. Perfect for those with extremely limited spaces, or those who simply want some optional guest accommodation. Bed when you need it, a wall when you don’t. It doesn’t get much better than that, folks.
Image credits: Stadshem via Adorable Home, House and Home, Resource Furniture, Sabb Interior Design, Harrel Remodeling, Woodmeister Master Builders, Finnerty Design, Cabana Casa, Southern Living, Carey Bernstein Architect, The Hoosier Wall Bed Company5 Comments
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haha i love the origin of the murphy bed! what lengths men will go to, huh? 😉 i was just introduced to the murphy bed on design all stars and it’s such a cool concept! i’m in favor of a bed that becomes part of the decor when it’s all made up – tons of throw pillows and all – but for a small space, one of these would be clutch.
[…] hold resolutely that Murphy beds are the premium in convertible sleeping set ups. And the things they make these days! You could […]
so clever
[…] warms mixed in with touches of cools to tie it all together and diversify their palette. 1/2/3/4/5 So we thought we’d start out with some inspiring photos for the “feel” of the […]
So where do we buy the equipment for the twin Murphy beds?? Or the plans on how to build? Or the measurements so we can see if it will fit in our spaxe?? You should be supplying info not just pictures.
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haha i love the origin of the murphy bed! what lengths men will go to, huh? 😉 i was just introduced to the murphy bed on design all stars and it’s such a cool concept! i’m in favor of a bed that becomes part of the decor when it’s all made up – tons of throw pillows and all – but for a small space, one of these would be clutch.
[…] hold resolutely that Murphy beds are the premium in convertible sleeping set ups. And the things they make these days! You could […]
so clever
[…] warms mixed in with touches of cools to tie it all together and diversify their palette. 1/2/3/4/5 So we thought we’d start out with some inspiring photos for the “feel” of the […]
So where do we buy the equipment for the twin Murphy beds?? Or the plans on how to build? Or the measurements so we can see if it will fit in our spaxe?? You should be supplying info not just pictures.