Monday’s Meditation: On Why Your Suffering Is Only In Your Mind, And Whether It’s Warranted
What if the negative labeling we apply with reckless abandon to every sort of situation was a perversion of the truth? The truth–a thought that empowers, rather than oppresses, that frees rather than ensnares, that pries back open our tacky-paint-can-lid hearts, once again.
Maybe you didn’t get that job you were hoping you’d get, or maybe you were spared.
Maybe the relationship you wanted to succeed failed, or maybe its failure was its success.
Maybe your mom having an illness is an infuriating and unnecessary cruelty, or maybe it’s the surest way to appreciate her. Maybe caring for her is your chance to keep the circle of compassion spinning; as you cared for me, so I care for you.
Maybe the pieces aren’t coming together quickly enough, or maybe they are coming together at just the speed you need to resolve the related questions in your heart.
Maybe you lost someone too soon, or maybe you get to carry on their torch.
Maybe you know it all, or maybe you don’t.
Maybe everything you think is a tragedy just isn’t one at all.
Maybe your suffering is a destructive use of your imagination.
Maybe you are fine, better off, supremely blessed, and cared for by forces you know of and those you don’t. Maybe it is all unfolding as is best.
Maybe there is no discernible upside, or maybe there is beauty in everything.
Maybe it is your prerogative to bemoan your grievances, or maybe it is your gift to perpetually see all things in a new light.
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its that glass half full or glass half empty thing applied to so many other situations. I love it. It really is how we choose to look at something
Exactly. It is a CHOICE, which can be so challenging to remember, and even more so, to put into practice consistently! xoxx
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its that glass half full or glass half empty thing applied to so many other situations. I love it. It really is how we choose to look at something
Exactly. It is a CHOICE, which can be so challenging to remember, and even more so, to put into practice consistently! xoxx