Monday’s Meditation: On Showing Up
It’s January 5th, 2015 today. (You’re welcome for that nugget of information.) As such, all of us are no doubt giving thought to the coming batch of months, and the hopes and wishes and goals we hope will come to fruition throughout.
Whether or not you subscribe to the idea of making new year’s resolutions, there is one question that we all ought to be chiefly focused on: how am I going to show up for myself this year?
Certainly we should all aim to be more prompt for our clients and colleagues, more supportive for our spouses and partners and friends, more impactful for our world, and so on. But the extent to which we’re able to do any of those things well depends first on our ability to nourish ourselves.
We show up for ourselves by putting action behind our words, by upholding our larger desires with consistent efforts.
Showing up in the best sense of the term is more than just doing what you’ve said you’d do, getting to where you said you’d get–turning up. It’s about fully being there; devoting your focused energy and attention on the moment and on the task at hand.
By showing up for yourself you prove the worth of your word. You reveal your truest priorities. You teach yourself your ability to transform an abstract goal into a reality. In so doing you demonstrate that ability to others, thus increasing the trust others have in you.
Ironically, it’s difficult to fully put your trust in someone who doesn’t show up for themselves. If you have a smidgen of compassion and awareness, you’ll know it doesn’t feel good to take from those who are already on empty. Doing so makes otherwise reasonable expectations of self-neglecters feel like robbery.
The more your live by a code of your intentions by daily showing up to honor them, the more you become a beacon for others, a living example of what can happen when you clarify your priorities and live in such a way that they are made abundantly evident.
Show up fully for your life.
Show up for yourself to show up for others.
Demonstrate your priorities daily to manifest your dreams.
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Thanks for the reminder on priorities. I am going to stop sleep walking through my day. Find something new to spark my energy and share that with family and friends. Lighten up and not take it so seriously. Well, maybe I will take the sunrise and sunset a little more seriously…….
Love it! No sleep walking permitted.
Hello! I am a new reader, but I am loving this blog more and more. For this year, I plan to treasure every moment and not to get too caught up with the past. To focus on what I am doing instead of what I should be doing. Of where I am rather than where I should be. To just live in the present.
Also, no long list of new year’s resolution for me. Instead, I’ll be making a jar of memories I could look back on next New Year! 🙂-
Welcome! And thank you for this beautiful comment. Love your intentionality.
[…] count. To me, exercise is as given in a day as brushing one’s teeth. Among the reasons why I show up for myself by moving by body (shedding negativity, achieving a quieter, more balanced state of mind, trying to […]
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Thanks for the reminder on priorities. I am going to stop sleep walking through my day. Find something new to spark my energy and share that with family and friends. Lighten up and not take it so seriously. Well, maybe I will take the sunrise and sunset a little more seriously…….
Love it! No sleep walking permitted.
Hello! I am a new reader, but I am loving this blog more and more. For this year, I plan to treasure every moment and not to get too caught up with the past. To focus on what I am doing instead of what I should be doing. Of where I am rather than where I should be. To just live in the present.
Also, no long list of new year’s resolution for me. Instead, I’ll be making a jar of memories I could look back on next New Year! 🙂
Welcome! And thank you for this beautiful comment. Love your intentionality.
[…] count. To me, exercise is as given in a day as brushing one’s teeth. Among the reasons why I show up for myself by moving by body (shedding negativity, achieving a quieter, more balanced state of mind, trying to […]