Monday’s Meditation: On Persistence
After years of living a particular lifestyle, relying upon various habits, or leading with certain behaviors, you may suddenly decide that it’s no longer working for you. You’ll arrive at the decision that you want to live differently, feel differently–that you want to change.
This decision will usually be arrived at in a sudden panic. Not in a gradual awakening, but in a moment of complete overwhelm. Once you identify that the way you have been living is responsible for your unhappiness, frustration, anger, or loneliness, your need to remedy the situation will become immediate and intense.
And so you may do what previously seemed impossible or unpleasant, and by doing so you’ll take a first small step in a new direction.
You’ll take one, reminding yourself of your determination to change. And then maybe another. Maybe a third!
This is the moment when successful people–those who identify their priorities and succeed in honoring them–diverge from the unsuccessful.
See, the latter will make it to day three or hour 3 or whatever it may be, before they doom themselves out of impatience, boredom, and lack of faith.
The mistake that so many make is believing that what has taken years to develop can be changed radically in an instant.
It’s true that once you commit yourself to a new path, everything comes together to support you in achieving it.
But it’s also true that lasting change takes time and hard work.
Positive change of any kind is the direct result of every small action taken daily in contribution to that larger goal. If your goal is to maintain a healthier weight, change is the result of every bite you take. If it’s building a business; every email you send, phone call you field, customer question you answer. And if it’s having an organized home and a Simplified Life, it is the result of bringing intentionality to every thing that comes into your space, every item you purchase or obtain, every appointment you schedule, every one, all the time.
There will be those people who would bait you with promises like Organize your whole life in 10 minutes! Lose twenty pounds in 1 week! But you’ll know truth from falsities; you’ll stay the course happily.
You are here to do something grand. You are capable of living your life according to a standard of excellence, focused on rising to your highest level of health, beauty, and goodness, and mostly, devoted to do anything well. You can nurture your goals through your constant and consistent actions.
Clarify your priorities. Edit out the extraneous. Choose wisely and with reflection. And then devote yourself in the cause of those priorities unrelentingly every day from now on.
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