How To Organize Board Games

November 7, 2012

Board games are one sector of plaything that just doesn’t show signs of going out of style; they’re equally as pleasurable for the actual age range targeted (children) as well as adults seeking the simple pastimes of yesteryear, or clinging to the obligatory hosting of a “game night” among their couple friends.

Let’s talk, then, about how to keep your board games in tip top shape.

1. Get rid of any games no longer being played. If the game’s in good shape, donate it.

2. Ensure that the game has all its parts: cards, chips, characters, yadah yadah. This will require actually opening up the board game and doing a bit of sorting. If just a few pieces are missing, locate some usable substitutes and place them with the game. If many, many items are missing… see # 1.

3. To avoid losing any more parts, consider calling in some ziploc bags.

4. Placement of board games should be dependent upon how many games you have and the frequency of use. If your household has young children, you may want to allocate a whole cabinet/ shelf region just for games.

Drawers can also work well to house board games, with shallow drawers being preferable to very deep ones.

I’m sort of infatuated with this idea: store all your games on a wheeled-cart. Keep all the necessary gaming items on it including pens and paper for score keeping, etc. Wheel it in when you’re ready to play, and back away when you’re through. How cute is that, no?

If your game collection isn’t quite as vast you may want to use a deep tray. This option, like the cart, also allows mobility.

5. One big note to bear in mind with board games: you aren’t obligated to keep the box (You’re never obligated to keep the box in life, remember that). If the cardboard boxes are in especially rough shape or if they’re not suitable for your storage space, by all means get rid of them.

If you opt for going box-less, you’ll need to be doubly sure to keep all parts together and identifiable. Drawer dividers, as we’ve covered too many times to count, are divine for small objects. One section to a game. Boom!

You can also decant into various storage containers–drawers, bags, and bins.

You do what you want with those game pieces! Show Milton Bradley who’s boss. All I ask of you is one thing: can I be the top hat in Monopoly?

Image credits: I Heart OrganizingCreative Organizing, BHG, BHGBHGCreative Organizing, BHG, Raising Lemons


  1. Crystal on November 7, 2012 at 8:08 am

    Fantastic!! I love all the ideas that it is too hard to choose which one I want to do. We are a game family (we have game night every week) so organizing games is essential!! Right now all the games are organized on a shelves in bookcase, but I love all the different ways to organize them. I especially love the rolling cart, but I don’t really have any place to store the cart when not in use. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Thanks for the great ideas!!!

  2. Monica on November 7, 2012 at 9:09 am

    Love the leather looking DVD holders…in photo 3.

  3. Amy @Five Kinds of Happy on November 7, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    Ahhh yes, that’s what I’m talkin bout! That immaculately presented DVD cupboard is really really ridiculously good-looking. Why is organisation so delicious? Love it all!

  4. domonique @ abowlfullofsimple on November 12, 2012 at 10:51 am

    I was on the same page yesterday! Wish i’d seen this post. just reorganized our games, movies, electronic device, etc cabinets yesterday! I’m writing a post on it and would love to link to your great examples! thanks!

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  1. Crystal on November 7, 2012 at 8:08 am

    Fantastic!! I love all the ideas that it is too hard to choose which one I want to do. We are a game family (we have game night every week) so organizing games is essential!! Right now all the games are organized on a shelves in bookcase, but I love all the different ways to organize them. I especially love the rolling cart, but I don’t really have any place to store the cart when not in use. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Thanks for the great ideas!!!

  2. Monica on November 7, 2012 at 9:09 am

    Love the leather looking DVD holders…in photo 3.

  3. Amy @Five Kinds of Happy on November 7, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    Ahhh yes, that’s what I’m talkin bout! That immaculately presented DVD cupboard is really really ridiculously good-looking. Why is organisation so delicious? Love it all!

  4. domonique @ abowlfullofsimple on November 12, 2012 at 10:51 am

    I was on the same page yesterday! Wish i’d seen this post. just reorganized our games, movies, electronic device, etc cabinets yesterday! I’m writing a post on it and would love to link to your great examples! thanks!

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